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  1. In one of the bundle files there is an Lua file example of how solar system modding might be done. However until the Devs implement features to load and read Lua files into KSP2 we are a long way off yet!
  2. It's also likely the developers didn't include/finish the mod loader as they are anticipating making numerous changes to the code, thereby making modding somewhat difficult when things are going to be constantly in-flux.
  3. Check your save game files I remember seeing something in one of the JSON files about the flag. Sorry not on PC at present to provide more detailed instructions!
  4. BepInEx is a great plugin that's been around for a while now and is used in lots of different Unity-based games for modding. Admittedly this is a very different approach than KSP1 modding had, as access to the game data files was much easier!
  5. Which version of KSP are you running? There seems to be some bugs with Kopernicus in 1.9.1 so I would recommend using 1.8.1 for now.
  6. Are you using Kronometer? I haven't played KSP for a while, but last time I played JNSQ came bundled with it and that in combination with KAC should work.
  7. You may be the first person who has complained that this mod is too small!
  8. It was more about how it was going to be handled rather than the general idea. However most modders will gladly accept donations so feel free to donate to those who you feel should receive something for their tireless efforts.
  9. As per the posts above, the downloads are currently unavailable but will hopefully be returning again soon.
  10. @amarillo114 If you are trying to scan whole planet, put your probe/satellite on a polar orbit. That way it will slowly end up scanning the entire surface as it orbits the planet and the planet spins around. It will take a few in-game days to complete.
  11. I prefer the buttons (as in the ones in the UI not keyboard ones) myself. The example you've provided above looks to be the best option here.
  12. It hasn't been forgotten about it's just that Team Galileo have been hard at work on JNSQ instead. I agree that as far as 1.0x scale systems go this is my personal favourite. Now, if this was in 2.7x...
  13. So because my potato laptop can't run JNSQ (and I can't always get on my desktop) I usually play 1.8.1 on there, as it runs better than 1.7.3 did, allowing me to add in some mods. But the standard 1.0x scale solar system was annoying me. So I found another use for SMURFF - instead of using this mod to scale up the engines (or whatever hocus pocus witchcraft this mod does) I used negative values in the configs to nerf the engines (or again whatever sorcery this does), thereby simulating a larger system without needing Kopernicus. Not sure what side effects this will cause but so far so good!
  14. I think the memes... are the flare... *cue CSI Miami Theme (The Who - Won't Fooled Again)*
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