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Flavio hc16

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  1. I'm skeptical that New Glenn will be able to launch 60 tons to LEO any time soon ( <18 months), and that this lander can land a crew on the moon with today's standard of safety. You know why Spacex did develop falcon 9 and BO is developing NG the way they do instead of how spacex is testing Starship? Because the NEEDED/NEED to do so, they NEED an orbital rocket to have a businnes. Spacex is in the controlling seat right now, so they can test a rocket without payload. In the long term, Spacex method of launching starship will pay out.
  2. I really hope it slides to tomorrow, I have to sleep.... ... Sigh in European.
  3. As a European, I really hope it goes to the 7th
  4. Shuttle C was always the Answer, and it would have been a good architecture: 2/3 launches of shuttle C + a crewed launch of just Orion Ares I stile ( but not with the Ares 1) and you had a 170/ 240 tons stack in LEO ready to do whatever you want, and you knew you could launch at least 4-6 per year and 2 launches in close proximity.
  5. or...instead of putting the cart before the horse, we could just wait the launch date? considering that for launch 2-3-4 we got the Mishap investigation and launch license a couple hours prior to the launch? Also, the SEC had a single investigation of Tesla ( 420 tweet) back in 2018
  6. This is an educated guestimate: They will do a deorbit burn that will target 20/30 km out east of the landing pad, so that if anything goes bad, the heavier debris will fall into the Gulf of Mexico America, then do a direction reversal either aerodynamically or propulsively so to target the landing pad, and IMHO we will see somewhat of an "lofted" trajectory, higher up in the middle phase, so that more debris will fall in the ocean in case of problems (look at my mad Paint skilz)
  7. This is quite a remarkable article! There is also a good video of Eager Space ( and if you are new to the space world, I would strongly recommend you watch basically all his videos).
  8. I think that the Boeing space division is really getting desperate
  9. Boy the Gradatim is biting them back
  10. https://arstechnica.com/space/2025/02/boeing-has-informed-its-employees-that-nasa-may-cancel-sls-contracts/ We might be at the end of the road of this 100B $ boondoggle.
  11. https://jamestemplephotography.pixieset.com/spacexstarship7explosion2025-phonewallpaper/?fbclid=PAY2xjawH665dleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABpoWZuh2n_h0tNEFWyhEdbi7o3TNJ0g-4EC4dC4BN4ZriFbWTrq8IXjyOnw_aem_xWCgVWX0mUY61lM243q_hA If someone wants some amazing wallpapers/prints of the flight 7 breakup
  12. If you don't do it already, follow Eager Space, he is a great creator and brings generally good points. He is the Perun of the space industry.
  13. This is something that should get talked more IMHO. If the trajectory isn't over populated areas, let the ship remain intact and glide/bellyflop for as long as possible so that it has less energy and there is less chance it hits something, it would be also easier to avoid. Ofc if it is falling over risky areas, blow it up, it better to have a lot of debris than a Rods from Gods type situation with a 150/200 tons meteor.
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