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Flavio hc16

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Everything posted by Flavio hc16

  1. It's the simplicity of it, it looks like magic. " Any technology that is advanced enough will look like magic" This is magic to us ( and Tory Bruno)
  2. Here's the story https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/08/nasa-likely-to-significantly-delay-the-launch-of-crew-9-due-to-starliner-issues/ Basically Starliner needs a software rewrite to safely undocking from the station, autonomously or not. (My speculation) Probably the current software can't handle the Brocken RCS thrusters .
  3. " Raptor 3 is going to be so simple and streamlined, that people will think that we forgot some parts". Elon during one of the tour with Everyday astronaut
  4. https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/07/congress-apparently-feels-a-need-for-reaffirmation-of-sls-rocket/ The subtitle of this article. I haven't laughed that much in a few weeks. Pork is spooling again
  5. "Necessity is the mother of all inventions"
  6. You might have been too optimistic.... https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/06/nasa-indefinitely-delays-return-of-starliner-to-review-propulsion-data/ Gigantic ooooff number 3
  7. Hearing from Musk interview with "Ellie in space" at around the 2.20 minutes mark, Elon said that the superheavy or the ship( it's not very clear to me) missed the targhet landing zone by 6 kms, but both landed correctly. https://youtu.be/tjAWYytTKco?si=H8S1E7y9crEzc8a7
  8. HOLY excrements. this showed in full force the redundancy and how well built it is...it actually pulled off even with a flap missing. We have got the A10 of spaceship
  9. Sigh, the launch window is right when I start my 2nd turn at work
  10. First rule of building a PC: never cheap out on the PSU
  11. It will be the first, the other flight slipped to the 6th
  12. I really think it might be very gutting for him. I feel really sorry for him
  13. If it was on YouTube, you were watching a scam, it had 300k views and they were using ift-1 footage.
  14. https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceXLounge/s/ghD0FBEIi8 FAA determine no public safety issues from IFT-3, clearing final hurdle before launch licence
  15. There has been a Test stand rich combustion today. Better on the stand than on the stack.
  16. That's the reason they don't patent hard stuff: you are giving the blueprint away, and in "what is a patent?" Nation that is the...blueprint to get copied.
  17. https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1792629142141177890 "Starship Flight 4 in about 2 weeks. Primary goal is getting through max reentry heating. Worth noting that no one has ever succeeded in creating a fully reusable heat shield. Shuttle required >6 months of rework." "2 weeks" But this time it's trending toward accuracy. I would say 2nd week of June.
  18. So, are we looking at what, 18 to 30 months away to have a "key in hand" license? Or as you say in the US, out of the door/car lot.
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