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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. Ok this thread is not going the way I wanted it to go at all. Everyone is missing the point... Nevermind.
  2. That is so classic. It's like the 7 year old who wants To go to the lego store. Add this add that add blah blah. Its white noise to squad they know we want more parts... instead of guessing each time they add them what if they just game us a freedom to make our own.
  3. Ok fair enough... unfortunately KSP don't have thousands of bricks to chose from Also this is Physics not a lego set some things in science can't be assembled with a block.
  4. Again I emphasise I love KSP but eventually the players need more creativity at their disposal. Instead of building look a likes like we are no we can build 1.1 replicas.
  5. I like the lego style my self I just don't want to have to spend 1 month building a Star Destoyer that won't even fly because I'm lucky enough to be on console and can't download mods... That's happens to me
  6. Why does everyone want a sequel? What else is left to add. So what pay for a new game for slightly better graphics? It's still legos in space just bigger or smaller depending on what you want.
  7. That isn't the way I meant it It's a threat to KSP if it beats it in all regards. I don't think it will but if it does...
  8. Your thinking of SimpleRockets. I'm also assuming they will go with the Simple Planes design schemes https://www.simplerockets.com/Blog/View/2/New-Website
  9. Don't get hung up on rocket names in poll just making a joke. If you don't get it don't worry Creative Liberties KSP is one of the most accurate space games around and all around a fun game. It still has room for improvement. Some of the success of Minecraft and franchises like SimplePlanes, and even KSP are creative liberties. What I mean is that these games let the player choose how to play their own game. Minecraft is a example of creative liberties. If you chose to play it simple you could. If you wanted to you could build cities and play it Complex. Simple Planes lets you make things ranging from small prop planes to fantasy Star Destroyers, the Physics engine allows for this which is both good and bad. With SimpleRockets2 coming up soon it seems like it will afford some creative liberties to players of it follows the style of SimplePlanes. If this is the case I presume texture of the part part size, boyuancy, dead weight and fuel are at your control FOR EACH PART. This would allow for adaptations into effectively Adaptations of Rockets to be made at I could design pretty much whatever I wanted granted some restrictions with engines and parts. How this affects KSP This affects KSP Because games with creative Liberties tend to be a huge success. KSPs Proven Physics engine along with the many highly complicated designs possible with it allow for many possiblites. However many small things like choosing colors and paint schemes can make the game mundane after awhile. Also The inability to create custom parts or something similar is a problem. I'm curious if anyone has the same views. What I think KSP should have is a way to edit certain OR ALL (Preferrably) parts in their size and colour and then save them as custom parts a system similar to sub assemblies. Here is why... In Simple Planes you can build a Star Destoyer pretty quickly atleast the shape. You can edit the wing shape. In KSP if you want to build a comparablely large ship you need hundreds of struts. SO MANY Mk3 Fuel tanks clipped together. And a outer shell that requires you to go piece by piece. In Simple Planes the SHAPE (Not flyable) of a Super Star Destroyer can take Maby 30 minutes tops if your ok at the game. In KSP I have yet to make a flyable wedge shaped "plane" simply because of the glitches. When you see Star Destroyers in KSP on YouTube they usally involve mods in some sense. A Star Destoyer could be used as a forward operating base in KSP and would be very helpful in Career but it can't be built. Atleast not easily. When they are built they are not useful they are just for show or just fly around, atleast in stock. My point is that with this upcoming rocket game and games like this prove that giving creative liberties to the players is important. KSP is fun BUT Only so many mun missions and Probes can be launched before it feels repeative. By allowing the Player to envision SciFi in a game and have to solve the real world problems of them is huge. The fact I might need to make a Physics Accurstr Star Destoyer seems like so much fun. It isn't just sci fit but now needing to take into account Center of mass thrust and lift. Wing positions. Engines. VTOL So much more. I don't want to spend a month making a Star Destoyer in KSP just because the parts don't exist and Physics can't handle so many parts. Allowing to scale up would reduce part cost and improve the stability of the Physics engine. Their are less parts to calculate it's that simple. P.S. THIS IS NOT A SUGGESTION TO GAME DEVELOPMENT EVEN IF I SUPPORT IT AS A SUGGESTION IN WANT TO DISCUSS CREATIVE LIBERTIES IN GAMES AND SPECIFICALLY KSP NOT MAKE A SUGEGSTION. PLEASE DO NOT MOVE THIS TO SUGGESTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT.
  10. Yes ROTJ had charachter Development we learned many things... We learned effectivly nothing that was good in TLJ. We learned Reys Parents are nobodies. ROTJ Is in my top 3 My order is Top being favorite and bottom being Hated. Ep IV Ep III Ep VI V I VII II VIII
  11. @DDE @DAL59 Did either of you like my Alternative idea for Rey's charachter Development.
  12. I thought Phantom Menace did its job... I guess. Attack of the Clone was a disgrace. I loved Revenge of the Sith.
  13. If a I could start a go fund me to redo Ep 7 & 8 by the fans I would.
  14. The Porgs were the only good charachter in the Last Jedi. And Chewie
  15. Agreed. Did you like my Alternative Rey Charachter.
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