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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. If she is a counter fine... but she still needs to be trained. Again I don't care for her power level as long as she is actually trained.
  2. Ok he is what annoys me Star Wars isn't suppose to be like that... Disney authorises books about single charachters. It's expansive and filled with lore. It can't have plot holes that big
  3. I mean all emersive. Not just Fire! Like conectrate fire here. Interdictor cruiser, orbital bombardment with some ground assault. Like a Star Wars General/Adirmal thing. Mainly focused in space but some on ground like aerial objectives for ground like destroy sheild generator launch TIE. Etc
  4. Sort of Pretty much Just the song shoud only be played in that sphere of influence.
  5. I think that a Saturn like gas giant would be a neat addition. The rings should be made out of actual asteroids though they should actually pose a threat to your craft if you hit them. I know this is probroly a mod and a common suggestion but none the less It should be added for console players can use it too.
  6. Yes I agree with @MiffedStarfish... sort of. I think the music should stay the same but when you enter a SOI of a body you can orbit i.e. Mun Duna they should have their own theme that is only played when your in that SOI. Just each track to the main playlist, this goes for moons as well. Duna should be a Martian movie feel too it. Mun should be triumphant like Apollo 13 lift off scene but more mellow in nature. Eve could be eerie. Eeloo shoud a sensation of being on a cold planet. Wintery. Jool like gasy light not cheerful. The one closest to The Sun (forgot its name) should be violent because of its heat.
  7. The inquisitior used a Hyper Space tracker A Star Wars game. On console or Mobile
  8. It was stated in the PREQUILS. I Don't understand that you refuse to want the most crucial movie to the Rise of Darth Vader and then tell me I'm wrong about him being the chosen one.
  9. Seriously this isn't some dumb sci if thing Star Wars is a Expansive universe it's supposes to be looked into. I, not going to just follow Disney I can be a critic I have that right!
  10. Anakin wasn't chosen by the force he was made by the force. He is the Force. I really don't want to debate this until you can Spare a hour and watch the Mortis ark in the clone wars. I think Rey could have been a Preincess Leia like leader and a Obi-Wan Type Master. Would have made her dynamic. I mean why should we care about Rey. What has she done? Nothing she is being shoved down our throats by Disney. I don't care about her ancestory. But I just want a reason for her power. I've even sent you the Wookiepedia Summaries! Just do you research please instead of screaming your thoughts like their fact
  11. What part of he is the chosen one do you not get. He isn't a Average force user! Rey Average from the perspective of the force.
  12. I hate Luke sky walker in the new movie he isn't worthy of being a charachter. I also mad Mark Hamill agreed to portray him. Like that. Does anyone want a game that lets you command a fleet of capital ships.
  13. Yep. Also what has Rey done to be a "hero" like Luke... Make sarcastic Remarks like Alex Trebeck.
  14. He wasn't Vader is a better duelist but you know he doesn't want to KILL HIS SON! TIE Pilots were not well trained. Luke was a very talented recreational flier with weapons that shot Wampa rats in the desert planet. As I stated he is a better bush pilot than anyone else in the Outer Rim. Most of the Star Wars franchise takes place in the Outer Rim. And Luke was with Yoda for longer than a few hours. Return of the Jedi is realistic Luke was more well trained by then. See Ashoka Tano vs Vader or Kanan vs Vader in Rebels.
  15. Yes No Luke was the best bush pilot in the outer rim and had blaster experience. Rey had a staff. Luke had trained before the movie just not in the Jedi Sense but as a pilot he had trained extensively. Honestly he was better than a Average TIE Interceptor Pilot. Being he best bush pilot in the ENTIRE Outer Rim is a big deal. That Includes Ryloth... Ehem Hera Syndulla
  16. Or it's because the Charachters are aweful. What do we know about Rey. Some scavenger... their is no sacrifice. No heroism. All the Charachters are flat They are called Main Charachters because their heros. The younglings were not heros hence not main Charachters. Now we get Main Charachters who are not the heros just some people. It inst Rouge One who is a group of nobodies it's the main episodes the Main Charachters should be heros.
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