Hey all. I'm sorry to add yet another problem, but this one is sort of ruining the game for me. I'm using real Kerbin on hard career, so every penny counts just to get into orbit. The main source of income are contracts, however I am unable to complete certain ones because of the logic behind how they are completed. On one I get asked, "test rocket motor on sub-orbital trajectory - altitude, 80,000m to 90,000m", and on another I get asked, "test scientific equipment in orbit - 90,000m to 100,000m." As the game defines the beginning of space to be 120,000m, I cannot complete the latter contract, and as it defines sub-orbital to be any point between in space and 90,000m (or there abouts), it is impossible to to be "sub-orbital" below 90,000, and so the former contract is impossible as well. I don't know if this is a problem that is possible for you to fix, but if someone would reply telling me if there is anything I can do it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, and also thanks for this great mod. Getting into orbit with Real Kerbin is so much more fun and challenging than stock.