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Everything posted by Nodragdare

  1. Hello ! A small question (sorry, the search function is dead, Error code: 1C205/3). Is there a process to create / refine lithium hybrid so that you can refuel during your mission? Or as in my situation with the "Extraplanetary Launchpads" mod, create ships from other planets using this fuel? Thank you in advance !
  2. How! Okay, so it was a stroke of luck that OPT was compatible with another mod using LH2 (liquid hydrogen). Well more than to call the tow truck to go tow my poor kerbaunote in perdition So the mods I use and which integrate the LH2: - B9 Aerospace https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155491-131-b9-aerospace-release-640-nov-4-2017/ - The Near Future Technologies Suite https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155465-131-near-future-technologies-bugfix-updates-nov-28/ - Kerbal Atomics (by the same author as Near Futur) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/130503-131-kerbal-atomics-fancy-nuclear-engines-november-28/ - Cryogenic Engines (also by the same author) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/106089-131-cryogenic-engines-high-isp-chemical-rockets-october-17/ - KSP Interstellar Extended https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/161531-131-ksp-interstellar-extended-11621-03-11-2017-continued-development-thread/
  3. I assumed that the LH2 was one of OPT's basic options, or that OPT was fully compatible with "Interstellar FuelSwitch" or "Cryogenic Engines". Because before 1.3.1 I always had this option for OPT parts. Moreover by installing only OPT I have the option "LiquidFuel, Oxidizer" to double, as if a bug prevented to have LH2 instead of one of the two. But if not, does anyone know how to recover the LH2 for OPT parts? Because half of my ships are stuck without fuel in the space vacuum ^^'
  4. Hello First of all my apologies, speaking bad English I use google trad. My concern: since the transition from KSP to 1.3.1, LH2 fuel is no longer available on OPT parts. Only LF / LFO. Normally: http://www.noelshack.com/2017-46-7-1511051369-20171119010203-1.jpg Now: http://www.noelshack.com/2017-46-7-1511051434-20171119005858-1.jpg I completely emptied the GameData folder and installed only OPT, but the problem is still present. What does it come from? Thank you in advance for your help! :-)
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