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Everything posted by Vllama87

  1. Haha, you know what? I don't know what that button does either! Not fuel unfortunately Oh well, thanks for your help!
  2. The ship is built and already in orbit, the only fuel transfer nodes on it are docking ports. I have KIS and KAS but I didn't put a connector on the ship. Is there another way to get a fuel line onto the ship? Worst case scenario I'll just edit monoprop into one ship and out of another, I suppose, though I'd like to do it the fun way if possible
  3. Well I've got everything set up, but I've run into a new problem... how do I transfer resources from a tank that isn't visible from the ship exterior? (I uhhh, tend to set my monoprop tanks to 8x radial and clip them in between LFO tanks instead of putting them on the outside of the ship.)
  4. Awesome guys! Thanks! Once I learned of asparagus staging I kinda stopped using SRBs, apparently that was a mistake! I ended up taking it up in 2 easy installments of 9000 fuel (2k to spare for my SSTO!) with a Twin-Boar +big orange tank, 4 SpaceY heavy lifter SRBs, and an upper-stage scaled-up Swivel. They were only 79k each, but I got a 40/16k refund on each of them thanks to the reusable idea! You guys rock!
  5. Thanks for the responses! I believe I'm at tech level 5? (500 cost to research) with a few 300's left to grab as well. I have High Altitude flight and Heavy Rocketry, is that enough to build a large SSTO tanker? I actually just finished the maiden voyage of my first functional SSTO, but it's fairly small (think SR-71 ish) and carries just enough fuel to get back to KSC (or at least crash in the desert less than 50km from ksc :P) after establishing an orbit. I guess my followup question is: what are the basic guidelines for a large cargo-bearing SSTO? I've done a bit of research on some super-heavy SSTO carriers but they all either require things beyond my tech level (shock cones, rapiers, etc.) or cost somewhere in the 500-1000k funds range x_x EDIT: A photo of my tech tree.
  6. So I recently borrowed a friend's internet to update my KSP from 1.0 to the current version and get all the mods I plan to use, and I'm noticing that some techniques I used before to get things into LKO are not working anymore. So my question is this: I have a large (180 ton) interplanetary science vessel parked in a high orbit around Kerbin and, after returning from a low space flyby of Eeloo, it has just enough DeltaV to deorbit itself, and not much else. It runs on nuclear engines and I need 16,000 units of liquid fuel to top it off, but I am having a DEVIL of a time getting that much fuel into orbit. I guess I was so excited to finally get it into orbit and do some 'splorin that I didn't think about how I would refuel... Any tips? EDIT: I suppose I should clarify what exactly the problem is. I'm trying to do this in as few launches as possible to avoid running out of funds. I guess I could do a bunch of rescue missions and whatnot but I just want to fly around in my capital ship lol
  7. Yes, unfortunately I only have internet through a tether to my phone, and I'm limited to 500 MB/month or I would update. Anyway, the general tips I've received so far seem very useful! I'm currently in orbit around Eve looking for a good spot to land! Wish me luck!
  8. Thanks for all the help! I've managed to get the center of mass as close to the Shield as possible, now I'm just trying to figure out what scale I should set it to... On that note: how much Ablator would be necessary for a craft weighing 475kg, assuming I get it down to sub-2km/s before atmospheric entry? Also, the antennas are the most important part of the entire probe, would simply putting them directly behind the heat shield be enough to protect them?
  9. So I've just finished construction on what I hope is my first unmanned mission to Eve, but the thing is quite expensive, and I play with revert off, so I need this thing to succeed. Anyway: Lander parts, bottom to top, according to descent orientation: Heat Shield (43.90 Ablator) Decoupler Fuel Tank w/ 6 Landing Struts Service Bay w/ Rechargeable Battery inside Probodobodyne OKTO w/ 2 Communotron, 4 Photovoltaic Panels, a Barometer, and a Thermometer, all attached radially Fuel Tank with 4 Parachutes, and 4 Tail Fins, attached radially. Terrier Liquid Fuel Engine I use the scaling mod, so here is a screenshot: Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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