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  1. Okay, I've figured out action group activation for missiles, that works fine (via the weapon manager), but with a regular bomb like a Mk. 82 the same action doesn't fire it off. It still works with the little right click menu, but that's what I was trying to avoid having to do in the first place. Am I missing something here?
  2. Ah, I found it, it was floating over the parts list. Please excuse me as I go see an optometrist. lol
  3. I keep having a problem where the 'FAR CAS' button in the assembly buildings disappears after reverting to hangar (eg after building something, flying it, then reverting to make changes). I think at one point I could delete the whole craft and the FARCAS button would be hiding underneath the Craft Name bar. I tried messing around with the window position in the config file, but so far no joy. Any solutions or things I'm overlooking?
  4. I know Nova has said this game will never involve combat but I'll always have some sort of interest in Space Marines. Especially when you can design and build the method they are deployed which I think is the most fascinating part anyway. I spent a few hours doodling while watching some roundtable thing on youtube including all the major TV drama actors (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVEparrBK8A&feature=related) It's actually quite good an funny, watch it. But I drew a few things. A Marine in a sealed Vacuum Suit Hard Armor. He's armed with and HR-21 rifle, rated for atmospheres from 0-100, along with his suit. A Marine in his dress whites, saluting in the style previously dictated by danRosas. I was watching a documentary about Arlington Cemetery and had a pretty grim background of soapstone Kerbal astronaut graves drawn in but I decided to get rid of it. It looks rotated because it is, it looked crooked on import so I tweaked it. As an aside these images seem huge, how do I rescale them? [timg] doesn't work like on other forums... Edit: This is done in Sharpie if you're wondering.
  5. I saw it through a Firefox extension called ProxTube. E: aaaand it's gone again. Thanks for nothing, EMI
  6. ^^^Thanks Cardinal! Okay I got to see it through a proxy, I had a huge grin the whole time, that was amazing! What did you use to make it?
  7. Yeah, Delta V becomes more of a huge deal the faster you\'re going. That\'s why the Oberth effect is pretty rad if you want to get farther out of a gravity well. Doesn\'t really help you slow down or change planes or whatever though
  8. Yeah I didn\'t really follow the fanfiction forum at all until I decided to post the OP, so when I started browsing more frequently my stuff just seemed hideously outdated and redundant, thats all. Situational awareness is key as I learned in my ammo days; et cetera, et alumni.
  9. In my mind\'s eye I can basically see Contritium getting mussed up a few million years ago, giving us asteroids and Lanoidus. It basically toes the line between planet and a Major Belt Object (Lanoidus would be a MBO). It\'s on the very outer reaches of the asteroids, and is just over 1 AU away from Immaniis\' orbit. The problem lies now in how exactly it cooled into an irregular shape post impact...I put stock into the fact that it is very poor in dense metallic elements, and the existing \'atmosphere\' (remaining dust cloud from the impact) is primarily low-molar mass oxide compounds and silicates. It\'s a very low density planet, and most likely cooled into it\'s current shape before it could reach hydrostatic equilibrium. :stirpot: Science!!
  10. Added the updated system I\'ve been working on for the past few days. Feels like I\'m screaming in the dark though.
  11. It appears that this thread is now painfully redundant among a cacophony of nearly identical threads.
  12. Yeah I forgot that in my post... Anyway, I\'m working on quasi-3D renders of each planet and moon, but it\'s a ton of work. I\'ve replaced Vausta, Marok, Kerbin, and the Mun, but as you can plainly see there are quite a few more planets to do. I think the most difficult thing will be Kerbol. I tried doing work on it last night but it just looked horrible. Maybe I was too drunk I don\'t know. I refuse to quit!! e: work continues, I\'m up to immaniis, which is I think the most difficult. Rings and all. Here, in payment of my tardiness take this rad track:
  13. Mostly my imagination . The Semotus binary is pretty rough Latin, and Contritium literally means \'broken\', but most of it it is mine. Also I\'m going to put up an updated map here in a few minutes. It\'s got SmA\'s if anyone wants to know some more gee-whiz info on these planets.
  14. My idea was that Contritium was ruined a long time ago by a huge impact event that formed the asteroids. Sort of how a large impactor collided with earth to form the moon; in this case though Contritium did not completely survive the impact. It did however, result in a smaller body (Lanoidus) that is roughly comparable to our Ceres.
  15. Spent a few hours fighting GIMP to make this scale draft of a potential Kerbol system. The planets and moons are all to scale with the star, obviously the distances are not. As seen below, a comparison between the old and new models: I took the time to convert each body in the system to a faux-3D model: \'Semotus (bn)\' indicates that it\'s a binary planet system. The idea came to me because I had already done a doodle of Immaniis for another thread, like so: [spoiler=] That\'s Toremaia in the foreground. Edit: Thanks, Ascensiam for the [artwork] tag. I forgot :-X Also, I tried making a complete scale model of the system, but I ended up at 1/10,000th scale before I quit. It was 99.999% black space, with planets that would have literally been smaller than a single pixel... Edit 2 July 3: Added info cards for each planet and moon, and a few scale fixes and tweaks to radii. Also, Kerbin\'s atmosphere is blank because I\'m not really sure what exactly to put there...is it like earth? Higher CO2 content? We just don\'t know. ???
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