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Everything posted by daftingbrit

  1. Hi All, Hoping you can help me with a little issue that I have. Valentina is stuck out in space and has been classed as a tourist. She is currently in a very high orbit of the mun. I sent her up there to carry out a rendezvous mission and while she was up there she became homesick and now will not do anything. Jeb, who was in a similar craft (the one she was meeting) had been up there longer and was actually fine and I flew him home. I hadn't paid any attention to supplies or hab etc as I thought the orange suits were immune to Life support needs. On checking the USI menu on the main screen it shows Valentina's name as a VET but all the vet boxes were set to 'grouchy'. Anyway, I've set all the boxes to be immune, saved and restarted but I still cannot control her. I also removed the USI Life support mod to see if that would clear her status. This hasn't helped either. I'm assuming that her config has been now classed as a tourist which is now outside of USI. I have now re-installed the mod again. So.. .My question... Is there an easy way to rectify this, using config or anything? I'm terrible at messing around with files and such so any link or clear instructions would be helpful. I don't mind sending a rescue mission but what do I need to send to get her back on the team. I can obviously take NOMS but how do I cure the homesickness. would flying an engineer up and building a docking port on her ship and then docking another ship with a hab module fix the problem? Any creative suggestions on how to help her out would be appreciated. My last thing and the point that I am most worried about is by removing the mod briefly and re-installing it have wiped and log that USI made her a tourist? And therefore, will it be possible to gain control of her again? I'm used to losing kerbals, believe me. I don't get too precious about them but I'm playing on hard mode with no quicksaves or reverting so at the moment every kerbal and funds count. Any pointers, suggestion, comments, guides, humorous quips would be well received. Cheers
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