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Everything posted by InsomniacSR

  1. Never really interested in having a signature until I seen this. Great job.
  2. It took some some adjustments to make it hold up in transit and land in one piece, but finally got it there. It holds about 2800l of kethane, and handles pretty well driving for its weight. The camera works well for navigating since it can rotate and pivot.
  3. Already launched a few kethane sensors out to the Mun and Minimus, but here is my first build attempt at a mobile kethane rover. Hope it holds up in transit. Really enjoying the plugin, and the fact that now my moon bases will actually serve a purpose besides "this spot looks cool". Keep up the great work!
  4. This thread is very old and necroposting is frowned upon here. I noticed your new to the KSP forums, and just wanted to let you know.
  5. Wanted to say that I\'m really enjoying the new parts pack. Cannot wait for future updates. Wanted to share some launch images from my first munar mission using your new pack. Personally wasn\'t crazy about the orange fairings, but nothing a few min. in photoshop couldn\'t fix. Was really stable during launch, and responded well to pitch corrections. I do have a Mechjeb ASAS module on my ship, but I only use it for the orbital information window. Thanks again. ;D
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