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Everything posted by BGH9

  1. At least so far I tried to play the game via internal harddrive and that seems to fix a lot of the lag while flying, I'm going to start my first career savegame so I will be flying a lot of crafts and loading multiple buildings. Though I do realise that a game made for pc is always going to run in harddrive issues, maybe the newer consoles (xbox one x and playstation plus) will be able to handle games like this much better.
  2. Ok, when I scrolled in the link it mentioned a unity 5.something, but whatever. Any idea why the console version is Laggy even with the unity 5 engine? (I'm using xbox one s and game's are on external 2 terrabyte 3.0 harddrive) Edit: I'm going to move the game to internal harddrive to test if that caused the lag issue.
  3. Since the game finally got released I jumped on it like a hungry dog does with food. Rockets is like olden days, never getting them of the ground or losing control and kerbal death, planes work well but only when I make my own wacky designs. So after playing a long time it starts to get irritating that flying my planes (or any other craft with 20+ parts) the game gets super Laggy with every 10-20 seconds stutter. Am I right to say that the Unity 5 engine came after the 1.2 release of pc (enhanced edition is 1.2 version)? I know that porting isn't easy, but does anyone have a idea what type of unity engine the console version is using? Also, if/when blitworks is updating the game, are they going to port a more recent version of ksp from pc or do they update the game themselves to implement new features similar of the pc version?
  4. Just seen the release date and I jumped from enthusiasm to be able to play it again. Though it was a mistake because I was sitting at my table which has a sharp ridge and I cut myself on it, yikes.
  5. I hope it will be somewhere this month, the lack of refined kerbal mayhem is taking it's toll on my sense of humor, who knew ksp could act as a therapy.
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