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  1. Like I said on the Instructables website: fantastic result! I am honored to have inspired you to make this. And happy that you’ve actually succeeded.
  2. Oh boy! I hope it runs on Macos. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to buy a PC again...
  3. I'm trying to help Tabb out here, but I forgot how to set Visual Studio up with the proper library references. I'm missing Unity (although installed) and Assembly-CSharp. Anybody on here with a tip for me? EDIT: I copied over my Includes folder, which I was smart enough to save way back when I built my KSPIO fork and added the required files to the references. It builds! Now let's hope it works.
  4. MDF sucks up paint like crazy. You need to use primer. I used a high gloss spray paint which worked fairly well.
  5. Hey @Roland108, that's cool! The LED gauges have 680 Ohm resistors (blue, grey, black, black, brown) for all colours except for the yellow LEDS, those have what appear to be 510 Ohm resistors (green, brown, black, black, brown). It's best to test it out on a breadboard first, so you can change them around until you are happy. The Arduino code? I don't get any warnings.
  6. No, all I am saying is that the code you are looking for (how to register the joystick button press) is not specific to KSP, but to your OS. In your example script you do the same thing. "using System.IO" means you are loading the libraries from your OS that manage input and output. You detect the keypress with "Input.GetKeyDown(_keybind)", this is code relevant to your OS that works because you loaded the library. So you are looking for the code that registers joystick presses. I think it is something like this: "Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.JoystickButton0)"
  7. The part you are missing is how to listen for joystick inputs in a mod. That would be dependent on your Operating System. That part has little to do with KSP, you can search the internet for code examples for your OS. I think the programming language for KSP mods is C# (somebody correct me if I'm wrong).
  8. Wow did this thing blow up... like a Kerbal rocket with not enough struts. Standing on the shoulders of giants here, thank all of you for the inspiration and the majority of the code!
  9. Wow, this is taking off like a pair of S1 SRB-KD25k's! Hackaday.com is featuring my build now too. And it will be on makezine.com this week or next as well.
  10. You can read more on how to build it here: https://www.instructables.com/id/KerbalController-a-Custom-Control-Panel-for-Rocket
  11. They put the blue screen in the IVA view in stock as a placeholder for mods that can display stuff on those screens. Pretty cool that they pay tribute to the kOS mod like that. On seconds thought: maybe the blue screen was there first, and the mod used the name... <-- hey look there _is_ a blushing kerbal emoji!
  12. Can you please call my manager and get me a raise? Seriously, thanks so much for the great compliments. I've done it all for the love of Kerbalkind. And buttons. I like buttons.
  13. Thanks! Great suggestions. I already have the smaller black switch as a debug mode though. I am thinking about writing a demo routine that can be toggled with the power switch. That way I can show it off without running the game... SAS Modes: yes! I would love that. It's stock on KSP 1.2.2. Only two mods installed are KSPSerialIO and Chatterer. That's also stock. Really funny though! Thanks richfiles! I can use all the tips and tricks regarding construction... Is there a blushing kerbal emoji? Thanks for the compliments guys!
  14. IT. IS. DONE! More details here: If there is any details missing from my thread, let me know. I'd be happy to explain things in more details.
  15. Assembly complete! Whoohoo! Up, up and away! You can tell from the pics I damages the boards a bit trying to assemble it. The screw holes are not in the correct places and screwing or nailing into the ends of the boards causes them to split. I solved the mounting of the front plate by hammering in two nails slightly further in, so the catch insode the board. Pressure from the cables bending inside, and the USB cable being fixed in the hole, keeps it securely in place. You can also tell the unpainted MDF becomes darker where you touch it a lot. I'm fine with a worn out look it will get quickly, but you might want to use a clear coat of paint if you want to keep it neat. Now it is time to play a full campaign with the controller, tweak the code along the way and maybe add some software-based improvements. If anybody has any suggestions for the "power" switch, let me know. It's hooked up to the Arduino, but not used yet. Same goes for the button on the translation joystick. What's going to be my next project? An add-on module maybe? Sell or give away this unit and rebuild it from scratch (with improvements)? ... Who knows. A little detail I added, just in case it ends up in a goodwill store one day
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