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  1. Hi all. I’m quite proud to show you the controller I have been working on for the last few months. I started it last summer and I had to take a break for lack of time. But I eventually finished this. First of all, I want to thank hugopeeter who helped me a lot! This is when I saw his own KSP controller that I decided to build my own. As you can see, I took inspiration from SpaceX Crew Dragon v2 cockpit. I wanted my controller to have a clean look, like this: I also wanted it to be backlighted so that texts and indicators are visible in the dark. This is another reason it took me so long. It was hard to find a company able to lasercut the parts, for a reasonable price. This is a French company (ID Marquage) who did this. And I must say this looks amazing. The faceplate let light through and there is a black layer on the back. This layer has been laser engraved where light needs to be visible (texts and indicators). So here is the final result: With all lights off: And some close up of different parts: SAS button leds indicate the current state, as for breaks and gears. One joystick controls rotation, the other, translation. This is great for maneuvers like docking where both are used. Antenna and solar panels buttons are set up on actions 10 and 9, the Abort one on the Cancel group. The ledbars indicates ressources level. The LCD screen displays flight parameters depending on the selected mode with the surrounding buttons. The original quote from Chris Hardwick is “No human ever became interesting by not failing.” I found it very appropriate for Kerbals Unfortunately, I didn’t do pictures while assembling it (shame on me ). Here is a video of the controller in use (sorry for the poor quality, the camera didn’t like the backlight): https://youtu.be/Ux8fxc0-acM Edit : Here are the Inkscape files for the panel https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HdtE2tBRrK2WDYcT2DtAPfRQp1_Y5Sz2?usp=sharing Edit2 : Here is my code https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wmlQa6WcZRmjfZkodxGgqR8sXTvQqBis?usp=sharing
  2. *This display relies on the KSPSerialIO plugin written by zitronen!* Once I got my custom controller built I'm not gonna lie, I was just itching to add more to my cockpit, so I set my sights on making some gauges! I chose an orbital information display as the first mostly because its the one I found myself wnting most when playing (I have to take my hands off the controls to switch my display to maneuvering mode to see my apospsis and periapsis.) This displays both my apoapsis and periapsis in meters currently (I will add conversions for km and Mm soon) and has LEDs to show your orbital status at a glance! Red for <45,000m, yellow/orange for 45km-75km, and green for >70km Here's a link to a the build process, I tried to be detailed and document most of my steps!) I still have work to do on this, and I will likely update this thread when I add things I have planned like recessed text, unit conversion and brighness adjustment/optimization!
  3. Arduinos are amazing; there is so much you can do with them! Evidently, one of the things you can do is make a customized control panel for your favorite pseudo-realistic space simulation game! And now begins the process of making an idea into reality; my very own space age control panel which will make using my keyboard utterly pointless! This project, and also the control panel itself, will be called the Kerbal cONtrol PANel, or KONPAN, for short. Until it is finished, or I tire of trying to, I will be posting pictures of my progress on this epic project of epic proportions! To start it off, here is a picture of the "pre-pre-alpha prototype" I built just yesterday: image here UPDATE 1: new image of the pre-alpha prototype; now labeled! UPDATE 2: Finally out of pre-alpha and now into the alpha development stage!
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