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Posts posted by InterplanetJanet

  1. So so SO glad you made this mod, Allista; my no-I-can't-do-things-the-smart-way gazillion-part multimission launches now run on our 'gaming' computer like a three-legged dog, rather than a no-legged dog having epileptic convulsions - a tremendous improvement!

    Now if you could just write a mod that would add some RAM to the computer...  =)

  2. On 1/3/2018 at 1:43 AM, RealGecko said:

    In past two month I had no will for both playing and modding the game. So I decided to drop support of all of my mods.

    So sorry to see you go, so soon after "meeting" you(r mods).  In a selfish way, I hope this is only a pause for you and not an end; but I hope you are well whether you come back or not.

  3. On 12/11/2017 at 4:23 PM, Cavscout74 said:

    In an odd turn of events, due to the reputation loss of killing 8 tourists from 3 different contracts, I now have MORE tourist contracts being offered.

    *laughs and laughs* There is something just so Kerbalistically wrong about that...

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