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Everything posted by popeter123

  1. you have seen it on the news that they have discovered it! celabrate
  2. 1.nural prosesers:done 2.ai:ages ago 3.us computer combat system:being set up 4.mad proseser decieds to kill all humans:not yet
  3. he died young for his spices for us 20-30
  4. lets have 5 miunits of silence of posting to remember him :\'( edit:5 mins is over but still remember him!
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-18574279
  6. you have to take in to acount that nerly all mars lander had no popultion system to slow them down in space
  7. random craveings is a sign of being pregnant hungry
  8. i could modify one of my bosters to burn more powerfully and for ever!
  9. well i am disprascic should i hide up in trees of stufflike that?
  10. i may be going paintballing in 2 weeks any tactics? should i go trigger happy or snipe?
  11. found a bug with the fuel tank itreplaces normal fuel tanks upone opening a save
  12. both site do not have the test on them ;P
  13. im confused whats the adress of the server?
  14. if it went by rp kerbin would be nuked to nothing
  15. i cant do the test for 2 ressons 1. microsoft office had buggered up on me 2.i am freeking out due to my end of ks3 exams :o so asked im the apply thing for a deal membership now=do test later when i can
  16. ironicly i droped my old laptop while playing ksp
  17. even worse in wales here it was
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