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  1. I did what u told me and I luckily have all my ships back. As I went to check the data again just for making sure I saw that there actually were the 2 persistent data files. Is there a way to read out those and see what caused the problem? Btw thanks for the help lul S0M3B0D4
  2. Hello there, I have the following problem: I casually played KSP for some days now and had no problems at first. A few minutes ago my pc crashed and after restarting it my whole data was not reachable ingame. The only thing I see when i go to the menu to continue the game is a blank data file. If I click on it i can even choose which game mode I wanna play. The only mod I installed was Mechjeb2 on its latest version. After browsing around in my Steam game files I found that my ship plans got saved and so were 5 backup datas in the .sfs format and the saves that I did but I can't access them in any way. It would be nice if someone could assist me with this problem. Sincerely S0M3B0D4
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