Hi. I tried to use Rapier with RealPlume, but every single Rapier engine reduces my framerate by 15-20. It doesn't matter if the engine is running and in which mode. If the Rapier is attached to the craft (or a craft with a Rapier is nearby), every single Rapier engine just steals 20 fps.
I don't even know if this is 1.11 issue, I hardly ever used Rapiers before.
Tried to reduce particle count in mod menu - didn't affect anything.
I really don't want to disable RealPlume when I'm flying my spaceplane, cause the stock engine effects... I don't want to look at them either.
I've checked - doesn't seem like any other engine has that issue for me.
I've disabled all other mods except ModuleManager, Real Plume, Real Plume - Stock configs and SmokeScreen.
Thank you.