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Kerbal Sofa Program

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Everything posted by Kerbal Sofa Program

  1. Since posting this ive realized i can pause the game and go to the space center and save there without incident, not always convenient but its fine
  2. Since posting this ive realized i can pause the game, go to the space center and save there without incident. Not always convenient but hey
  3. So was i... Until... It happened. Every time i try to save the game freezes. Until i press the pause button then the game resumes but without having saved and other weirdness. Might as well be the save data corruption bug they hired a whole new company to fix as far as im concerned. Havent started a new game yet been playing for at least 6 hours on ps
  4. It's easier to get used to if you change the control scheme to 'cursor', somewhere in the settings... OH YEAH AND IM STILL HAVING GAME RUINING SAVE ISSUES. Slightly different, on the ps4, i can dig out my keyboard if youd like to know the details. Maybe its just me. Dont own a pc so typings a pain sorry
  5. It has always been left 1 or left button or what have you and the axis you want to trim... But it wont work with sas active. Maybe thats the source of the trouble?
  6. This is great. I'm extatic. I own a used console and certainly don't have the bank account to go around buying a pc that can more than ms word. So i've had this busted ksp loaded on my console for... Years? Still so good i keep trying to play it. Tried closing my game after every launch to save my data on a usb device, but that doesn't always work... Anyways you all made a truly amazing game. I'm happy you fixed the console version. And i hope that squad remains financially solvent after this escapade. I'm sure you're all doing fine. Also consider pumping out more parts, i know pc players can get user made content free, but thats not an option for players like me. You might be pleasantly surprised how much people might pay for something as simple as a parts pack. That was alot i know.
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