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Posts posted by Haye

  1. 6 hours ago, Deddly said:

    @GrouchyDevotee if you try it, I'd be very interested to know if you experience more of those serious bugs that have been mentioned in this thread.

    I’ve started a new game with no advanced tweakables and I haven’t had any bugs yet. On my previous game I had some tweakables on and had a lot of save issues. The bug that the game wouldn’t save or return to the space center.


    That hasn’t happend since. The only thing that keeps being ignoying is the trim settings, but thats no bug, thats a controle issue.

  2. 25 minutes ago, EventHorizion said:

    Are you saying that you can save while under time warp and it doesn't bounce you back to the base? That is at least better then having no saves at all. I wish to hell they'd release a patch to fix this game. As it is right now I have to play the game at 2X to get any wheres.


    if you keep quick saving while in time warp, the game saves your progress. You can do this until you reach the point you where going to. If you time warp too long, you can just load the previous save, and repeat the warp/save process. 

    This timewarp bug was almost a gamebreaker for me, but now that i have found this solution, the game has become more playable 

    /edit: i hope they update the game soon as well 

  3. On 8-2-2018 at 2:59 PM, Space Station 4 Crash said:

    If you can't time warp because you cannot save (because the port is a train wreck), you have to sit there and wait for your ship to get to Duna, I have never done it without warping. Would it be more then 6 hours IRL? Either way thanks for helping me with my point.

    I may have found a way around this bug. 

    While in time warp quick save every 3-5 seconds or so. For some reason unknown to me, the games saves your progres and doesnt crash after the time warp is complete. This method isn’t 100% effective all the time, but it got me to Duna and Ike. 

  4. Is there a easy way to fly your kerbal in EVA? In the old version it was soo easy to fly, but now If i try to aim my kerbal in the right direction, he or she keeps on spinning. SASdoesnt help, I use time warp to stop the spin. In the old version if you aimed the camera at something the kerbal would automaticly position it self to what ever you are aiming at. That doesnt work anymore. Tips anyone?

  5. I would love to play kerbals too, but the game doesnt want to play with me. The fact that you cant purchase part isnt a game breaker for me, but the fact that the game doesnt want to save or go back to the space center, and I have to reload a previous save is.

    i love the game, but its so frustratingly broken. I have to reload the game three times just to fly to the moon. And hope the game will allow me to return and save the progress.

    In the current state I dont enjoy playing the game, I hope there will be a update soon

  6. I broke the game ;.;

    I tried to switch from one craft to the other around the moon using the LB and D-pad, but the craft was way to far away. Like other side of the mun. I went to the map using LB+RB, selected the other craft and pressed the switch to button. It didn’t switch to it, and now i cant save the game, I cant go back to space center. I have turned the xbox off, went to bed, no this morning same problem. Once in space i cant save and cant return to the space center. The game will load a saved game, but if i load the game just before the switch, same problem. If I load a saved game hours before the mun switch the game works fine.

    I did do a EVA crewtransfer just before trying to switch, and I had the mission explore the mun active. (This mission I can not discart any more)


    other question, Is there a easy way to fly your kerbal in EVA? In the old version it was soo easy to fly, but now If i try to aim my kerbal in the right direction, he or she keeps on spinning. SASdoesnt help, I use time warp to stop the spin. In the old version if you aimed the camera at something the kerbal would automaticly position it self to what ever you are aiming at. That doesnt work anymore. Tips anyone?

  7. I broke the game ;.;

    I tried to switch from one craft to the other around the moon using the LB and D-pad, but the craft was way to far away. Like other side of the mun. I went to the map using LB+RB, selected the other craft and pressed the switch to button. It didn’t switch to it, and now i cant save the game, I cant go back to space center. I have turned the xbox off, went to bed, no this morning same problem. Once in space i cant save and cant return to the space center. The game will load a saved game, but if i load the game just before the switch, same problem. If I load a saved game hours before the mun switch the game works fine.

    I did do a EVA crewtransfer just before trying to switch, and I had the mission explore the mun active. (This mission I can not discart any more)


    other question, Is there a easy way to fly your kerbal in EVA? In the old version it was soo easy to fly, but now If i try to aim my kerbal in the right direction, he or she keeps on spinning. SAS doesnt help, I use time warp to stop the spin. In the old version if you aimed the camera at something the kerbal would automaticly position it self to what ever you are aiming at. That doesnt work anymore. Tips anyone?

  8. 23 minutes ago, James M said:

    Well, I havent been able to find anything marked trim on my ship or in the setting/control menus so.. If thats the issue, Ive got no idea how to fix it.

    On my yaw meter, without sas on, I see an orange tick 2 clicks to the right from center. When I move across the yaw axis, the orange tick moves accordingly but a purple tick remains in its place. Im assuming that would be the trim. Whatever it is, its rotating my craft to the right across the yaw axis constantly.

    Same problem here. Just jebspod, a heatshield and a parachute mk16. With SAS on it is straight, but turn SAS off and the craft goes in to a spin. I notisted the dubble sort of triangles in the bottum left corner too. Without SAS and not touching the controls they are off center. I dont know how to correct this or if it is a bug. But it makes no sense to me. 

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