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Everything posted by Tekaoh

  1. I spent yesterday trying to figure out how to build a plane. I'm reasonably proficient at rockets, and I've flown the stock planes, but even after reading/watching as many tutorials as I could find, I can't seem to build a decent plane. I can't even figure out how to get the parts to attach in expected ways. My first day at planes really didn't go well... But I'll try again I guess
  2. Today I had a ship in orbit with a spare seat available, so I thought I'd take a rescue contract and pick someone up before coming back down to Kerbin. Turned out this guy wasn't on an orbit close to mine though, and in fact he was on a trajectory that would have him bouncing destructively off the surface of the Mun! So my Kerbals scrambled to launch an emergency rescue mission to save Tanbas Kerman from his doomed Mun encounter. But what really has me curious is, how in the world did this guy get himself into such a mess in the first place?
  3. I don't consider KSC science to be an exploit. It's there for the taking. I farmed it because I want to complete 100% of science everywhere. I use the [x] Science! mod to see what science I still need so I can plan missions to collect every bit of science available. So I guess you could call this the OCD approach? I also collected the landed on water science and many of the splashed down on mountains/desert/grasslands sciences but I still have a few of those to find... I did wait until I had the tech to get all the KSC science in once launch, though. That made it at least a little more of a design challenge. Once my tech tree is unlocked, I'll use a strategy to redirect all my extra science into funds since there's no point having more science points, but I still want to complete all the science.
  4. TLDR: Sank to the bottom of the ocean for science! I spent most of yesterday trying to get the "landed on water" science. I had read that the two ways to do it are to find a tiny island in the water biome to land on, or else reach the bottom of the ocean in a heavier than water rover. I downloaded the Field Research mod which gave me waypoints in a contract to some island suggestions, but they were all near the poles. I figured that it would take too long to get there by plane, and that the islands would be too small to hit by rocket. So I started trying to design a heavier than water rover. After several hours and even more failed prototypes, I finally got one that could travel underwater but it still had problems. The rate of travel was SOOO slow (0.3m/s-1.1m/s) and used up so much power that I couldn't make it past the shores biome. Then I had an idea... I could build a heavier than water craft with none of the frills like wheels or batteries or solar panels (which are all apparently buoyant), use a rocket engine to get it over the water biome, then just let it sink! It took only a few tries to get the design nailed down, but this ended up working out way better than my stupid rover designs.
  5. Hmm, I keep those tips in mind, thanks. I don't have any mods I installed manually. Even on a fresh windows installation, I find that CKAN worked once, I installed a few mods, and then it didn't work the second time. So I don't know. I guess I'll keep tinkering with CKAN instead of twitch. So much else is out of date on twitch too, so I'd be installing half the stuff manually anyways...
  6. I wish I knew. It started throwing exceptions and I can't for the life of me figure out why. I've been on their forums, yea.
  7. Would it be possible to have this mod updated on Curse? I want to use Twitch to install my KSP mods because ckan doesn't seem to work for me anymore... but the version of this mod on curse is way out of date. Like from 2014.
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