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15 Good

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    In suborbital flight.
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  1. The same thing happens to me! It would be nice to have this fixed.
  2. Jeb, for the first time in this career fresh save, went to the Mün! Landed! Orbiting the Mün... Hello Kerbin! REENTRY!! Safe splashdown!
  3. Beautiful flags you got here! I'll request one myself.
  4. When you keep pressing dot and comma for the game to go faster... but you're not playing KSP. (Actually has happened to me a lot of times)
  5. Tremendously excited for it! Not sure if command pods are retextures or different models, but I can't wait nonetheless.
  6. Rescue 5 kerbals, 4 stranded in LKO and 1 stranded in HKO: E (Excuse Valentina, forgot to remove her from the pod ) (LKO Version) (Didn't forget this time ) (HKO Version)
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