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  1. You see that is something that frustrates me to no end, I'm not a guru and I'm trying to have fun with the game, got super excited by the shuttle but... how TH do I install this thing? it did not work when I treated it as a normal mod...
  2. Thanks guys, this helped me a lot, I just waited for my connection to be less loaded (late at night) and downloaded the things I needed one by one, about CKAN autodetecting my already installed mods I tried that and its really hit and miss, some it detects but the majority it does not and I just wanted to have 1 place where I install all my mods, this idea of doing some mannualy and others with a software only serves to confuse me even more (I do believe the modding scene for KSP is a total mess but that might be just me, it feels very much like the modding scene for M&B Warband). Just so I avoid a little bit of the flak about that last comment, is there a way for me to use mods and maintain a certain amount of organization in my parts list in game? I mean it's very hard to figure out especially if you try to play a campaing.
  3. Hello, so my issue is; CKAN downloads at 2kbps and it makes it impossible to download some mods on top of the speed issue downloads never finish, so I wanted to know if there is a way to download the zip files manually and put them on the downloads folder of ckan and have it detect it (can't do that right now because CKAN adds some sort of code in front of the name), tried asking in the IRC but had no reply as of yet (sincerelly the thing is abandoned or you need to wait for ours to see a reply). So to summarize: How do I make CKAN detect a file that I downloaded manually? what is that code in front of the name of the files?
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