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Everything posted by putnamto

  1. Poo. The game challenges me to no end setting it up and getting it running correctly with mods etc. Then the game gives me a challenge that I'm prepared for, and the best I get is "dude that's not a challenge" Lol
  2. but i dont have fairings yet, and i dont have the science to get fairings. yes i could land on the mun, get some science, or get some kerbin science, etc. but wheres the fun in that. so, whats the most kerbal way of getting a sattelite to the mun withought using fairings?
  3. had to place a satelite around the mun for a farmer(why does a farmer need a sat around the mun?) anyways, after hours of planning the most efficiant path my little brain could muster i finnally go the sattelite to orbit around the mun with no dv left to find out that i was going the wrong direction.
  4. i finnally got tourists to the mun and back after many failed attempts(and dead kerbals.) only to have their pod land on the side of a mountain and slowly slide down the side of it at .07m/s, it was also out of electricity and the only solar panel was blocked by the mountain. i waited till the sun came around and retracted the landing gear thinking it would slide to a stop sooner, instead it tumbles and slides, breaking off two landing legs and the nose cone before finnally coming to a rest.
  5. If I have to choose one or the other ill have to go with indicator lights unless theirs a suitable substitute
  6. i just installed this through ckan and i noticed that the attachement point on one the scanners (the big orbital one) isnt actually attached to the part anymore, its floating some distance away, ill get a screenshot tommorow when i have time.
  7. yeah i knew the water thing was a bug as for the ghost stage, what i mean is that when i load just the pod onto the runway it lists two stages, im not to worried about it though, kinda curious why and how it happens though.
  8. well we solved the different dv totals, but that ghost stage is still their. as an experiment i went to sandbox and just slapped a ship together and i still get the ghost stage, i went back to VAB and removed all decouplers, still get ghost stage, i removed everything from the ship accept for the command pod, and still a ghost stage, weird. then this happened lol
  9. holy crap i think this is it, i dont bother changing the root part once i merge the crafts. i set the root part on those crafts to the bottom of the fairing so i could attach them to the launcher but i never thought to move the root part back after ive merged them.
  10. i find it weird that when a wheel breaks off of my rover, or a solar panel, or well anything that the item explodes in a violent fashion. is their a mod that will let these things just break off instead of exploding? my knowledge with vehicles is limited but i dont think the nasa rovers wheels explode like hand grenades if they detach from the vehicle. lol
  11. i didnt do exactly that but after a new install and all the mods through ckan im still getting the ghost stage, even on a simple ship(no fairings at all)
  12. ok, some more trying to figure this out. mj and engineer give the same readouts. but if i put my booster and my core engine in the same stage i get a different dv than if i put them in seperate stages. i think this is just user error now.
  13. I did the reinstall and put all the mods in with can, I'm still getting weird numbers though. And a ghost stage. Ill try getting engineer I think I figured out the problem! When I built my ships I would build the top stages(the fairing) as one craft, then save it and build the bottom stage as another craft and merge them. I think mj ignores the merged part till we get to the pad.
  14. Probably the hdd, the ram, mobo and cpu are bran new. Could it be that my game is installed on a different hdd than my OS? I wouldn't think so , but you never know
  15. sorry my computer wasnt notifying me of the responses, i only really noticed the last 1 or two every time i posted. this is my first pc game, coming from a console im used to things just working. anyways, specs are cpu fx6300 gpu gtx 1050ti and 16gb ddr3 ram log file is here https://www.dropbox.com/s/40e46f849ym5g1i/output_log.txt?dl=0 and a screenshot of my installed mods in ckan is here https://www.dropbox.com/s/0m9xgnpwx3tn0hx/Screenshot 2018-02-24 03.17.08.png?dl=0 the jitteryness solved itself though, the game was running completely off of the cpu or something, my gpu read 0 load the whole time it was acting funky and the cpu was stuck at 100 load. a restart resolved this.
  16. im done with this till tommorow, i used ckan to install all of the mods that i litterally just had and now my game is gittery and unplayable
  17. ok, ckan got me rings, im happy now, thank you.(i just hope i didnt forget something that i need in the mod list)
  18. well, ran ckan, got the mods i wanted, got an error then ckan crashed, im just not meant for this. im begining to beleive that this IS the game and the program on my computer is just their as a detour back to this forum.
  19. ok, but its missing RCS build aid, can i install it manually?
  20. now my water looks like excrements. love this game, ive spent to much loveing time not playing the game, and when i do play the game i just realize something is loveing broken and i have to come back to this loveing message board.
  21. ok, i think ive figured out my problem when doing a complete reinstall of the game. when i download SVE 1.2.8 theirs gamedata>stockvisualenhancement>sve_configs etc inside of the zip file. when i download SVE_HIGHRESTEXTURES theirs gamedata>stockvisualenhancements>textures. when moving these to the gamedata folder of my install i just move the textures frome SVE_HIGHRESTEXTURES to SVE 1.2.8 right? EDIT, nope didnt work.
  22. this game is either buggy as hell, or im seriously screwing something up. while trying to figure out my mechjeb problem i noticed that i can no longer deploy solar panels in the vab or anywhere really. going to reinstall, then if that doesnt work im just going to give up i dont have time to just sit here trying to figure out why that thing worked yestarday and doesnt today.
  23. so your saying i should update my mechjeb? EDIT i just installed the latest mechjeb, and im still getting different numbers in vab and on the pad, and still getting the ghost stage. im also getting a dv read on stages that have no engines, no rcs, just a decoupler a science pod and some electrical stuff.
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