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Everything posted by kitingChris

  1. Until now I was a happy Kerbal Gamer... I used to play many hours with this fantastic game. But just read about this in the news and I am very concerned about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/8rpyr1/psa_red_shell_spyware_integrated_in_kerbal_space/?st=jin5mp92&sh=31cf92a6 Is there a statement from Squad yet?
  2. After completely re-installing ksp and all mods the category now shows up and also the parts are available. Don't know what went wrong before.... Thanks for the support
  3. The only Part that is offered when searching for "Workshop" was the K&K Workshop. So if that is not the right Workshop why does it not show up? ~slightly confused~
  4. Hi there, I installed OSE Workshop Continued, K&K Planetary Bases and KIS Storage. I have enough Material Kits, 3 Engeneers in the K&K Workshop and even some Parts in a KIS Container. But still I can not build anything How does this mod work?
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