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  1. contracts window + in 1.2.2 with a whole list of other mods. my issue is that afteri upgraded mission control to its third level, all of my contracts disappeared from the window. even if i accept a new one, itl show up when i go back to the space center, but on the next scene change itl disappear too. any ideas? installed via ckan.

  2. is there a way to change mb settings without starting a new save?
  3. im trying to figure out how to make monthly budgets rss friendly. the way its working now i get a budget every 8 to 9 days, which isnt very realistic. im running 1.2.2 (dont laugh, its the only version all my mods works on) and a whole list of mods, which i will provide if asked. any help is appreciated. 

  4. so while playing rss with this mod, it gives my budget every about 8 to 9 days, how do i fix this? thanks!
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