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  1. Will all planets come DLC for free? https://steamdb.info/app/954850/subs/
  2. Here we go https://store.steampowered.com/app/954850/Kerbal_Space_Program_2/
  3. Two old boys are back!!! Cannot wait for them. Kerbal Space Program Microsoft Flight Simulator
  4. Duna Colony Lifting off for Duna Parachute is opened. We did it. Finally I have landed Duna after 1 month. Good Morning Duna
  5. Mun Digger "Moon Digger" is liftingoff It will be first our craft in Mun. We are using 27 engine for liftoff. Good bye home! We did crash landing but the craft is still working Let's start work! First sunset in Mun. What a lovely day for dig "Mun Digger" is sleeping for 24 hours.
  6. Booster Landing At first time, we didn't do it very well. Look at that! It's standing Let me take a picture with our flag. Here we go. Final burning. Landing gear is on. Again
  7. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our new PSS. Here we go! Stage 1 is coming down. Seperation and turning to our route. Everything is looking good What a view! Pole, Sun and Kerbal who took this photo
  8. PA1 Mun Ship Mun looks like more closer than Kerbin. Now our home is so far away! And yes we did it! Let me take a picture for this amazing moment. Yes we have to wait another ship for taking us from Mun to Kerbin again. NAE(New Astreoids Explorer) Everything is working good. What a lovely view!
  9. Kerbal Space Station. It looks like a small space station
  10. That looks awesome. Which addons do you use?
  11. Leaving from Sweet Home Final Burning We did it!
  12. ^ A lot of forums add this for their forum and it doesn't look like a Facebook.
  13. Yes, we can share anything on our profile but others cannot see it until look your profile. I want to that everybody should see it.
  14. Hello everybody, I suggest that "Recent Status Update" can be added on forum. If it add on forum, we can solve our issues or share a photos without create a new topic. Here is the photo show that when it added.
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