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Porucznik inżynieracy

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Everything posted by Porucznik inżynieracy

  1. today i was trying to repair my new rover, which was jumping everytime i docked it to my new base. After countless failures i tried to design small dron for this base, but id did not worked too. and lastly i managed to fix my new mk 2 bomber that was flipping every i tried to takeoff(who would though that you need to align center of mass indicator with center of lift!)
  2. if you would use saturn V rocket first stage to deorbit the Moon, your deceleration rate would be 4,77702260×10^−19m/s^2, and it would take you 2,09335413×10^18 seconds to slow down by 1m/s, so about 66.379.824.010 years
  3. Hey, Is there an option to control the camera, like in watch dogs?
  4. Thanks everybody! I've managed to fix it. Thanks again!
  5. Hi! So I've made a mini jet bomber, and bomb bay is between 2 fuel tanks. And here is my question: can I make fuel flow throught that bay without using these yellow fuel lines? Thanks for every help!
  6. Thanks! now I just need to put another mining station on the minmus
  7. Hi! I'm new at mining, and while I started running an mining operation on Minmus i forgot to put radiators on base. And here's my question: Can we use solar panels like radiators that will take away the heat? Thanks for help!
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