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shawn Pan

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Everything posted by shawn Pan

  1. Thanks for point me the right direction. If i change save file, every time I take ore mission, i will need change, it's a little disaster. So I tried find root cause. i changed dictionary.cfg of localization. from #autoLOC_501007 = 矿石 to #autoLOC_501007 = Ore all new orc mission fixed. text of 501007 is the text for ore of description of step 3. However it also impact resourceName. I think resourceName should always be Ore, should not have localization. But I didn't find 501007 in Contracts.cfg. So still don't know where is root cause. however, it fixed for good. Thanks again.
  2. this problem is very strange. I have a mission to get ore from minmus to kerbin. when i drilled 600 ores into my 2 tanks ( 300 units per tank), first step completed. but the second one never completed. No matter what you do. I even designed new ship with exact 450 units of ore and launched on kerbin and land. the 3 and 4 have been completed, but 2 never completed. Does you guys have this problem? 1 Acquire 450 units of fresh ore from minmus COMPLETE 2 Have 450 units on your vessel INCOMPLETE 3 Maintain stability for 10 seconds COMPLETE 4 Land your ore on Kerbin COMPLETE PC: WIN10 64BIT. KSP: 1.31 SCREENSHOT:https://www.dropbox.com/s/zru1lqdrbr5mtvr/20180218092020_1.jpg (In this screenshot, this is Chinese version. please see the first mission. I just drilled 600 fresh ore, the first step is completed. but the second step never complete. ) SAVE FILE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e0tgxj6d9s5s28j/quicksave.sfs?dl=0 after this, I tried many thing. Land this ship to kerbin, then step 3,4 completed. tried other mission, still same problem.
  3. still, new mining ship to minmus, new drilled 600 units of ore, the second step still remain incomplete.
  4. It's strange i tried for anther mission get ore from minmus. you can see, the second step never completed. (Chinese version ) this is new vessel with 600 ore. just want know, normally when the second step will be completed ? is it the time when we drill 450 and store 450 unit?
  5. No ,I built the pure mining ship without ISRU. i will delete this contract and try anthor for minmus.
  6. Hi guys, this problem is very strange. I have a mission to get ore from moon to kerbin. when i drilled 900 ores into my 3 tanks ( 300 units per tank), first step completed. but the second one never completed. No matter what you do. I even designed new ship with exact 850 units of ore and launched on kerbin and land. the 3 and 4 have been completed, but 2 never completed. Does you guys have this problem? 1 Acquire 850 units of fresh ore from Moon COMPLETE 2 Have 850 units on your vessel INCOMPLETE 3 Maintain stability for 10 seconds COMPLETE 4 Land your ore on Kerbin COMPLETE
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