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Everything posted by Relix777

  1. The RCS does turn on and stays on excoet when I apply left stick to the left position. Then it seems to apply it for maybe 0.1 seconds and won’t do it anymore. I am going to keep trying but it sucks. Thanks for your response it helps!
  2. First I want to say thank you so much for your response RCS is on and I do have SAS enabled but it’s set to hold in the position that I put it in. I also have tried turning SAS off in order to maneuver correctly. The ship will rotate the way that I want it to in every other direction except when I apply left stick in the left direction. So so instead of applying left stick in the left direction I have to apply right trigger and rotate my ship and then I can rotate the ship in the direction I wanted. For example: while I was trying to land on the mun I applied left and right to the right stick in order to point my ship in a retrograde position to have my thrusters pointed forwards the mun. When I applied left stick to the right my ship would rotate and I could stay on path. But sometimes I would over rotate and I would need to apply left thrust to bring it back. This also happens in take off and I can only head in the right position. I do realize that I can roatate my ship and continue on but I would like this to be fixed. This is how I flew for a long time on pc and now that I’m playing on Xbox it isn’t working properly and it kinda sucks. I will go thru all of my settings and attempt to rectify the situation with your suggestions. Again thank you so much for the help.
  3. I’m playing on Xbox one x and on the enhanced edition. The RCS will not allow you to apply left thrust. Please fix it. This is causing me so many issues. So when I press left on the left stick of the controller the RCS flickers on and off and does nothing Thanks
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