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  1. In the current version of Realism Overhaul and RP-0 the default runway is a proper tarmac/asphalt affair. You can taxi off the runway for the light prop craft but when you need a lot of speed (short stubby wings ala X-1/X-15) you need the runway. The most you can do on grass seems to be ~80m/s (290km/h!).
  2. So what causes the tearing, the appearing in the ground and the general bugginess of the runway?
  3. Running with Realism Overhaul and RP-0. Had this issue with the Beechcraft but I could run it and take off from the grass. Now I have got supersonic flight researched and trying to take off with a Bell X-1 a like plane. I get so far down the runway and suddenly i get kicked up into the air - you can usually see where this is going to happen by a massive gap in the textures - you can see the grass below through the runway. So you get kicked up and the plane rolls and crashes. So you revert to flight and now you are buried up to the belly of the plane which means you get kicked up again back flipping and landing on the engine - exploding. So revert. Considering setting up for each flight takes about 20 seconds. Having to revert flight after 0 seconds of flight is galling. My plane needs >100m/s to take off - I have done it twice in a 3 hour period but there is a instability in my craft which prevents it going supersonic - even with SAS turned on. Spending over an hour just to take off to find out there is an issue with the plane is not fun. If it wasn't for the fact that a) I am playing a modded game and b) some of the game is fun I would be asking for a refund as the above glitches shouldn't be happening. Version: 1.2.2 (as RP-0 doesn't work with anything greater) Machine: Windows 10, 4-core Xeon E5630, 24gb ram, GTX 970, VG248x3
  4. A quick look at the source shows that the target framework is set to 4.5 in the config files. I am not a .NET dev but would simply updating those and recompiling fix it?
  5. I have 4.6 installed but still no update. Running Windows 10. I think the universe doesn't want me to play a modded KSP...
  6. There seems to be an issue with the ckan installing this mod: Then after a few seconds it gives: This mod is needed by the Realism Progression mod.
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