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Everything posted by J.c.davis45

  1. Long time lurker in the forums here and just stopped in to clarify the FAR patch. OPT and FAR have been my req mods since I started playing and I’ve recently come back to Kerbal after a time to build more ridiculous space planes and decided to try Boris-Barboris’ AtmosphericAutopilot mod to autopilot my way up to the exit burn, but I couldn’t get it to work as it would keep nose-diving and generally freaking out causing RUD. I also noticed (as I use OPT parts almost exclusively for frame and wing parts) that the FAR wing modification interface was absent, but it’s been that way for years and I never noticed it. The OPT FAR patch (on page 121 of this thread, iirc) is absolutely critical in getting all the FAR elements to work with not only OPT, but to also feed the correct calcs to AtmosphericAutopilot. I’ll be checking to see if MJ2 atmosphere autopilot works as well, but I’m going to assume so. Also, proper FAR wing lifting surfaces are more accurate (for a while there some designs required the lift to be rather far in front of the CoM to fly level). The FAR patch fixed everything. It’s totally flyable in FAR without it, but I’ve found for building large or complex spaceplanes it was entirely guesswork as FAR derivative calcs didn’t work and Com/Col where terribly inaccurate. And now autopilot (or at least AAs fly-by-wire function). So it’s likely obvious what the patch does to you vets on here, but for a casual gamer newb like me and to a bunch of other people I’ve come across who love OPT and FAR, it was hard to find a solution to why OPT wouldn’t play nice with other aircraft mods. So as a general PSA for anyone asking (even if they did find the existence of the FAR patch burried deep in a forum) YES, it’s required for proper FAR based games. Perhaps im missing something in another download version, but if it isn’t already the FAR patch should be included with this mod installed from CKAN. Sorry if dumb potato post, I’m just happy my OPT based planes can now fly like all them hotdogs in those neat-o YouTubey videos. And to also reaffirm that my general aeronautical engineering concepts are in fact rather sound, and the issues I’ve had where not my fault lol.
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