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Everything posted by Zyberdash

  1. Is SMURFF not compatible with Cryoengines and Cryotanks? They seem to have way less deltaV than the stock engines.
  2. Hello this mod seems to disable my mechjeb2 altogether in sandbox (haven't tried the career mode). Is this something known?
  3. Hello! I don't know if im having a problem or not but to me the shadows seem to have a sharp cutoff and not much atmospheric scattering on especially venus and the gas giants. And Jupiter seems a little darker then expected and with a dark ring around it. Doesnt look like screenshots on first page. Is there something wrong with my scatterer install? Edit: Titans atmosphere on ground is blueish instead of the yellow it is on the screenshots
  4. Hello everyone. I was under assumption the start burn indicator on the manouver nodes was supposed to be calculated correctly in ksp 2. But it just seems like it's a time til manouver node sort of thing, making getting into accurate orbits kinda tricky.
  5. I fixed it, it was my joystick making micro movements and that was messing with my sas
  6. How come my SAS works exceptionally when i'm in map view or switched to another unit, but when i'm "in control" it doesn't work as good?
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