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  1. So I broke my Settings.cfg file, now, let me explain myself. I needed to change the input button for moving around in the both of the builders as for some reason, KSP has this oddly late response rate when pressing the scroll wheel button, plus, I need to put allot of force onto the button for it to actually work and I don't want to break another mouse, so I went into the Settings.cfg file and changed what I thought was the input for dragging my god forsaken self around the builders to 'MouseButton4', a little button on the side of my mouse that does nothing, and much like its original purpose, it does nothing, and to top it all off, I forgot to copy the Settings.cfg meaning I have no fix. I have actually gotten my desired control input by simply changing the buttons input in my mouse settings window, but i cant zoom anymore despite trying several different button names for said input, i think the original input was "MouseWheelButton" and i have tried putting that in but that didn't work, heres the broken line in the cfg file that I need a functioning copy of, if someone would kindly copy their correct version of this line, that would be lovely. (My broken line) AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL { PRIMARY { name = MouseWheelButton axis = -1 inv = False sensitivity = 1 deadzone = 0 scale = 1 group = 0 modeMask = -1
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