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Everything posted by HAL-9000

  1. Just to clarify, I'm not particularly good at KSP but I in my 1.3.1 career mode I landed the Stayputnik on the Mun for a contract mission as it was the only probe core I had the science for. It really isn't that difficult, you just need to be smooth on the controls and have enough dV that you can throw away a landing and try again if it isn't going to plan. It may be that your ship designs themselves need modifying to make controlling them easier. Just practice with it some more. It doesn't matter if you've been playing since 1.2, if all that time you've been practicing with only using SAS. You might as well be a new player when you turn off SAS for the first time if you haven't practiced with it off.
  2. Oh im genuinely sorry. I missed that one. Thanks. I would do an 'embarrassed' emoticon but I wouldn't know how...
  3. Could someone please advise how to avoid Steam updating KSP, or how to retain 1.3.1 in a separate installation? I am just about to get my first ever mission to Duna - I've never managed to get past Minmus before. I can' believe I'm going to lose all my mods again!
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