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Everything posted by xXCoolguy232Xx

  1. well there alot of talk about EVA\'s and i wonder if you will be able to make one or more of the kerbals leave the Comand Pod and walk around on the surface of the Mun and to actaly launch rockets and Space planes you have to Walk to and enter your space craft and or rocket onec your at a spot you like you can just have one of them leave and you can walk areound with one of them
  2. well Ep 7 was indeed interesting but that monolith i think i saw a kind of picture / text and im going to try to find it on day i found it while on the Runway in 0.15 and i made a small car using those rectangular spacers and i think more people want you to make a car thing and drive to it (use RCS for he fuel to get there ) and a question for C7 are spaceplanes going to be improved / made more controlable i had a few attempts at imitatying Winter Owls planes and they dont work where in 0.14.4 they did? was there a Physics change? or did every thinng bocome much more heavy?
  3. dont mind but can i have th Helo craft file? please? )
  4. wow i like this addon/plugin but i was wonder if you could have another Download for the KSP V 0.13.3 all of my firends would love this
  5. well ive found MANY downloads and i havent bought the game ive got V 0.13.3 and i have found about 2-3 V0.14 downloads on mediafire and thepiratebay.org so i hope this helped some law people that have the right to remove those downloads ( im only 13 years old and i understand the law and video game crackers)
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