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Everything posted by aarondl

  1. I had a craft that was a lander docked to a bunch of boosters controlled by a probe. Craft had just entered Duna's sphere of influence, and I was gathering science, needed to EVA to reset some science experiments because the right click "Reset" wasn't working (maybe because of bugged MK2 Command Pod?) There was a mix of Kerbals of all types + tourists on the vessel. I eva'd Bob Kerman, and let go of the MK2 Lander Can (4 Kerbal version), he starts floating away, I engage RCS, and he locks up. No keyboard input would work at all for him anymore. Switching back to the craft allowed me to move the craft around. I tried saving and reloading, that also didn't work. I then pulled Valentina out of a separate module, and she also had the exact same issue after turning on RCS. Rest of the game seemed fine. I can post a save if required. I have the bugged one still. Thanks!
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