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Everything posted by silverfox101

  1. I suppose it comes down to ownership, people pay to play games not to own the rights to the game. If you bought a car outright and owned the car then fitting a tracker wouldn't be allowed, but if you rented a car or got finance to buy the car then you don't actually own the car the finance company does so fitting a tracker could be written into the terms of agreement.
  2. @StrandedonEarth Tubular Bells, great choice, I have that album also
  3. Must be just my family that enjoy board games....oh well
  4. Its all changed for the worse, each member of the family plugged into their own devices all day long, reading about z list celebs. I know people that haven't even sat down and played a board game as a family.
  5. Alien life is already in KSP in the form off mystery goo. What is it? where did it come from?...............Remember the film The Blob (1958).......The truth is out there, those kerbals are in for a shock.
  6. I have this album, one of my favourite listens while playing KSP -
  7. Its arrived, that's a nice surprise to log on to. Well I had a few rants Squad but reading the release notes seems like you have achieved quite a bit so thumbs up for that. We do appreciate your efforts even though some of us had complaints.
  8. Wherefore art thou Squad
  9. Remember in the olden times of computers when you were copying from one location to another and the time to completion would change constantly........40 mins remaining.....two mins remaining.......2hrs remaining.
  10. This is getting confusing, isnt next week last week.
  11. @ProtoJeb21 Caterpillars sound really interesting. Giant Space station..... Just how giant are we talking...how many caterpillars can it house
  12. Then again....maybe not....who knows
  13. @StrandedonEarth after watching that Risky Business dance scene you posted you got me in the mood for this -
  14. @scimas It was just a humorous comment, just to shed some light on the situation.
  15. I always close my eyes during re entry anyway, if the worst happens I don't want to see it
  16. @Lisias I bought KSP at 1.0 and have loved it, the only reason I say about the issues I had were not because I don't expect there to be issues, Its I don't expect there to be the same issues that I have experienced in earlier versions that have previously been fixed. If you know what I mean. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy KSP I enjoy it almost as much as I enjoy X Plane, Homeworld and Civ 5 and that's saying something. I blame Jeb anyway he is always first in the pod,
  17. ISP was the first thing that entered my head, but I take your point. We can only express our opinions and be it ISP or Netflix I still have the same opinion. That's not really an objective argument, If I'm paying I expect a certain level of quality, it may differ from yours or others expectations but we all think differently. Being indie or non mainstream isn't a valid enough reason to expect nothing and accept anything. Just my thoughts after reading comments. Anyway I'm off this thread now its giving me a headache It will be next week soon enough. Thanks for the response though @Lisias P.S Elite dangerous looks amazing, have they stayed faithful to the original Elite, I loved that game
  18. Because a job may be hard, or a company does not have infinite resources is irrelevant when it comes to selling that product to a customer. I as a customer am interested in the end product, not office politics or if they have enough resources to do the job in hand. AAA or not that doesn't matter. If it was an ISP for instance and wasn't delivering the service it said it would I'm sure nobody would tolerate them saying well its complicated. Just my opinion
  19. Why thank you @steve_v, my Linux days are long behind me fortunately ( I will put myself on the naught step for that comment)
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