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Everything posted by silverfox101

  1. I am glad many of you are enjoying the DLC, but in my opinion it is a gimmick. For example new parts, so many new parts are already available. Recreate missions from the American, Russian space race - why? If I wish to relive historical missions then its off to Orbiter 2016 I go. I already had enough trials and tribulations when I first started playing KSP (Poor old Jeb stuck in orbit for god knows how long before I could rescue him. Val stuck on the Mun because I miscalculated the fuel needed to get back) The mission builder is a good idea, I just don't think its worth the money. KSP appealed to me because of its exploration type gameplay, quality DLC for KSP would expand on the exploration, eg. some more planets, maybe another solar system, mysterious objects floating around. Many of the mods available put This DLC to shame, although I do not play with many mods at all. Having played Galileo's Planet pack just a few days ago in my opinion that's what DLC should be, anyway its Galileo who will get my money.
  2. £12.99 for this. not for me, I will hang on for the steam sale. I purchased the game back in 2014, the game was still full of glitches. I do enjoy KSP but this is slightly overpriced for the little content in the DLC.
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