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Everything posted by KevinJohn3D

  1. That's because that's the finished second Death Star. The rebels destroyed it however before the empire could finish construction. It's all in the novels...
  2. Finally someone else with the same problem!! I've got a ship with 4 Nervs and 4.1k in DV according to KER and as soon as I make a maneuver it says it will take 10 minutes... even if it is only for a couple m/s. I notice that your ship also is exclusively LF (as is normal for Nervs). I'm wondering if the burn time is calculating DV using LF + Ox? So it would think it couldn't do the maneuver even though it can? I dunno, just a thought. It's frustrating though. Edit: Tested it by added some rocket fuel and plopping my ship into orbit with debug menu. Now the burn time says 3 seconds but it's still red text and won't update when I alter the maneuver. So something is wrong with Nirv dv calculation I guess.
  3. Lol nope, it's a sort of portmanteau of Korben from Fifth Element and my name Kevin.
  4. My son loves watching me play so I made a custom flag for our space program I hope this is the right place to put this kind of topic.
  5. I've been playing KSP at both my work (during lunch ) and home. At home is where I'm having all the bugs, whereas at work there hasn't been any problems. Admittedly I only put a couple hours into playing at work, while at home I've done 8 or so. I'm not sure if there's any rhyme or reason to that.
  6. Man, I've just running into all sorts of problems with this game. While my first career is being sorted because of an orbit that wouldn't register, I thought I'd start another one. After doing like 2 or 3 contracts, all of sudden I received 68 MILLION, 97% , and 7000 science. This is a normal mode career, no mods, just doing starter contracts. Googled it and didn't find anything... I swear this game does not want me to make it my second day of my career Here's the save file and log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gktexin44qkg6cz/persistent.sfs?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/qh1vb555116awvy/KSP.log?dl=0 Edit: This game is broken as all get out. My third career (a) wouldn't recognize that I exited the atmosphere at 120k and (b) after saving, quitting, and reloading to try to get that contract to be recognized, it gave me 140 million funds, 14k science and 98% reputation. There's just no point in playing this right now which sucks because I was having a blast.... (get it?)
  7. Here's the 2 files as requested. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gb4fbwof4ubmn8n/KSP.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/rzjfynn18h99ija/persistent.sfs?dl=0 After I copied them I launched the game and loaded it just to see if Murphy's Law would fix it for me. Still not working Edit: This game is broke:
  8. The polar orbit wasn't intentional. I just can't tell which way I'm going when I'm launching I guess I could try doing a standard orbit and see if it recognizes that.
  9. I just started playing KSP and I'm trying to complete the very first Orbit contract on career mode. After many attempts, I finally got an orbit. However as you can see, my contract isn't getting checked off. I googled it and tried saving and quitting, going to Tracker Station and back to flying. Nothing worked. I also found that some were saying that there were specific Orbit requirements on contracts but I couldn't find out if mine had that. Is there anything I'm missing on getting this contract completed? Edit: Read the FAQ, there's this line about my problem: "Also check the AN and DN markers, if they are close to 180 you are orbiting in the opposite direction." I don't know what this means or if it applies.
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