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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. @OP please remove the images in first post Virus alerts on the www.cubbyusercontent image urls http://www.avast.com/lp-fr-virus-alert?p_ext=&utm_campaign=Virus_alert&utm_source=prg_fav_90_0&utm_medium=prg_systray&utm_content=.%2Ffa%2Fnl-nl%2Fvirus-alert-default&p_vir=VVJMOk1hbA&p_prc=C:\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe&p_obj=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY3ViYnl1c2VyY29udGVudC5jb20&p_var=.%2Ffa%2Fnl-nl%2Fvirus-alert-default&p_elm=7&p_lex=304&p_lid=nl-nl&p_lng=nl&p_lqa=0&p_lqe=0&p_lst=0&p_lsu=24&p_pro=0&p_bld=empty&p_vep=9&p_ves=0&p_vbd=2018&p_hid=e2acb090-ce33-49be-ad32-eae49603cd84&p_ram=16274&p_cpu=7%2C6
  2. Just dropping here how much I like your mods <3 I get excited, seeing the changes coming in the next update. You definitely deserve a donation from me.
  3. I hope the awesome modders behind this pack are re-releasing this pack for .23, My machine always got a bit laggy when building this monster I hope with some texture improvements and the improvements the devs made for .23 this mod will be more awesome(less laggy) then it ever was.
  4. *drooling* with every image/update you post! I am in love with the soyuz, especially iva.
  5. So i tried to land on Duna. ( with my not so up2date addons ) Crashed a few times, changed deploy drag on chute (it basicly did nothing on airobreaking) and landed succesfully a few hours later! Love this addon! Saw that there was a update so i must try again now haha! sunset @ Duna (rover cam) sunset @ Duna (overview with bugged cart) Keep up the good work!
  6. Very nice! Can you also make "crew-able" parts, like @ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/9243-v0-16-Damned-Aerospace-Version-1-5-2-Crewtank ? So nice would be the start of real manned space stations.
  7. I'm excited ^^ would like to see your progress. with 80,90 and 50% can we expect some screens within one week? This would be great for the future KSP with docking etc ^^
  8. Oh nice, i tried it few times but failed Can you share the .craft file for the longer shuttle? Stop making me so curious! Hehehe (check-post-interval = increased) 8)
  9. I played with this shuttle\'s so much! And today finally made it back to the space center and landed 10 meter next to the runway! Video: Lost the front wheel when jettisoning the FuelTank still landed ! Anyway. I just want to say Thank You for this awesome craft! Keep it up.
  10. If you are still thinking about server side code, and have experience with javascript, take a look at Node.JS. I already tried it with the telemetry addon \'easy\' server setup
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