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Everything posted by KanaXai

  1. Aaah guess i missed that part. tried it and worked like a charm. thanks for helping me with this rather noobish question ^^!!
  2. Its a fairing based propeller. basically when I launch it (and i tried it with other propellers too, like the Comet Mk3 from "Squiddy" on youtube) and i press Alt + E, i can see the Roll meter go up in the bottom left corner. When i then decouple the engine it spins rapidly and my plane and the propellers move sort of like they should. But when i decouple first and then press Alt + E, nothing happens. it kind of feels like a fault with some of the settings, since i have the same exact problem with propeller planes from other people.
  3. Hey, Recently ive been trying to make propeller planes using only electric charge. watched a lot of videos explaining the method in order to build those. now ive made one and basically, whenever i detach the engine part from the plane itself, it just sits there, it can move but i can't get it to rotate. I tried alt E / alt Q and other combinations. anyone got a helpful suggestion? everything is appreciated! (running the latest 1.4 KSP with no mods)
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