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Posts posted by Nicky21

  1. @martianrock

     Post the CFG file here for the faulty wheel, in code brakets. We maybe able to find some similarities.

    Here is the cfg for : SPL Heavy-Duty Landing Leg

    	name = M2X_RadialLeg
    	module = Part
    	author = SuicidalInsanity
    		model = Mk2Expansion/Parts/Utility/LandingLeg/Model
    		texture = Wings, Squad/Parts/Aero/wings/Wings
    		texture = landingLeg, Squad/Parts/Utility/landingLegLT-2/landingLeg
    		texture = model000, Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheelS2/model000
    	scale = 1
    	rescaleFactor = 1.25
    	node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0
    	TechRequired = advLanding
    	entryCost = 4900
    	cost = 1500
    	category = Ground
    	subcategory = 0
    	title = #LOC_M2X_LandingLeg_title
    	manufacturer = #LOC_M2X_manufacturer_IA_title
    	description = #LOC_M2X_LandingLeg_description
    	attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
    	mass = 0.25
    	dragModelType = default
    	maximum_drag = 0.3
    	minimum_drag = 0.2
    	angularDrag = 1
    	//crashTolerance = 7
    	maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600
    	crashTolerance = 35
    	breakingForce = 250
    	breakingTorque = 250
    	bulkheadProfiles = srf
    	tags = #autoLOC_500881 //#autoLOC_500881 = ground land leg support
    				channel = Ship
    				clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
    				volume = 0 0
    				volume = 1 0.5
    				pitch = 0.9
    				channel = Ship
    				clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
    				volume = 0 0
    				volume = 1 0.5
    				pitch = 0.65
    				channel = Ship
    				clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
    				volume = 0 0
    				volume = 1 0.5
    				pitch = 0.8
    				channel = Ship
    				clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
    				volume = 0 0
    				volume = 1 0.5
    				pitch = 0.9
    				channel = Ship
    				clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
    				volume = 0 0
    				volume = 1 0.5
    				pitch = 0.65
    				channel = Ship
    				clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
    				volume = 0 0
    				volume = 1 0.5
    				pitch = 0.9
    		name = ModuleWheelBase
    		wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider		
    		wheelType = LEG
    		adherentStart = 0.01
    		frictionAdherent = 3.9
    		peakStart = 0.02
    		frictionPeak = 4.0
    		limitStart = 7.0
    		frictionLimit = 4.0
    		// setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters
    		FitWheelColliderToMesh = False		
    		radius = 0.285
    		center = 0,0,0
    		mass = 0.040
    		autoFrictionAvailable = False
    		clipObject = Suspension_Collider
    		TooltipTitle = #autoLOC_502076 //#autoLOC_502076 = Landing Leg
    		TooltipPrimaryField = 
    		groundHeightOffset = 1.5
    		name = ModuleWheelSuspension
    		baseModuleIndex = 0
    		suspensionTransformName = Suspension
    		suspensionColliderName = Suspension_Collider
    		suspensionDistance = 0.384//This needs to be whatever the anim distance for the piston is
    		suspensionOffset = -0.384
    		maximumLoad = 75.0
    		targetPosition = 1.0			
    		springRatio = 6
    		damperRatio = 1.5
    		boostRatio = 0.7
    		name = ModuleWheelDeployment
    		baseModuleIndex = 0
    		animationTrfName = Mk2LandingLeg
    		animationStateName = ShroudedLeg
    		deployedPosition = 1
    		deployTargetTransformName = deployTgt
    		retractTransformName = Suspension
    		TsubSys = 0.83
    		fxDeploy = deploy
    		fxRetract = retract
    		fxDeployed = deployed
    		fxRetracted = retracted
    		name = ModuleWheelLock
    		maxTorque = 500
    		name = ModuleWheelBogey
    		baseModuleIndex = 0
    		bogeyTransformName = Foot
    		deployModuleIndex = 2
    		maxPitch = 85
    		minPitch = -85
    		restPitch = 0
    		pitchResponse = 100
    		bogeyAxis = 0, 0, 1
    		bogeyUpAxis = 0, 0, 1
    		name = ModuleWheelDamage
    		baseModuleIndex = 0
    		stressTolerance = 99999999
    		impactTolerance = 1200
    		deflectionMagnitude = 1
    		deflectionSharpness = 2.0
    		slipMagnitude = 0
    		slipSharpness = 2.0
    		explodeMultiplier = 1.0
    		name = ModuleTestSubject
    		environments = 15
    		useStaging = False
    		useEvent = True


  2. I believe i've found a incompatibility with the TCA mod with a part from this mod (the SPL heavy duty landing leg). Whenever I place this on a craft, the TCA can no longer be triggered. If i remove this part, TCA becomes operational again.

    I've made a full report on the TCA forum, but maybe can you also look at it?


    Thanks !

  3. I think i have a clue to this bug.

    Every time i use this part on my ship (SPL Heavy-Duty Landing Leg - Mk2 expansion mod) tca refuses to work any more. I've tested this like 10 times now. 
    As you can see from the picture, the same ship, without said landing legs has tca working perfectly. With those legs attached tca cannot be enabled in any way.

    I have also tested this using a simple ship. (comand pod, fuel tank, engine). Same effect.

    I've tried looking at the config file of those legs, but nothing draws my attention.


    log: https://easyupload.io/wxxqak

    pics: https://imgur.com/a/aOL8hcZ


    Please note that this is not the first time i've encountered this bug; i've seen it in action a few years back but at that time I had no idea a part was triggering this.

  4. 19 hours ago, martianrock said:

    It may be a stupid question, but how do I get TCA to show up after I launch my VTOL drone on the runway? My main TCA window does not show up in flight no matter what I try. In editor I see the window, I can configure profile with my engine group, I see balance percentages and such but as soon as I click launch I do not see any of TCA windows and toolbar button just shows the manual. Pressing Y does nothing. I can see TCA true on a probe core, I can click Activate TCA but nothing happens. And when I revent to SPH the TCA window is gone there as well. Toolbar just shows the manual. I am in 1.10.1 career save and my science tree is fully explored.

    Somethign similar just happened to me as well. TCA worked fine for th elast 2 months, and now when i launch my ship the Y key does noting. Neither can i activate it by ricght clicking on a acommand component.

  5. I'll stay on the version 5 for a while, I have no plans to mine asteroids in the near future.

    In GPP , Gael is the fourth planet in the system. Niven is the third. Maybe asteroids are spawning near Niven? Dunno.... I get a lot of log spam saying "[kopernikus] no new objects this time. probability is x%". I'm goona guess that objects are spawning somwhere and the list is full, they just not spawning near enough so that I can detect them.

    Should I go bug the guys (guy, actually) maintaining GPP to update their config files ?

  6. Ever since I installed the latest (1.9.1-5) the asteroids have slowly disapeared from around. Right now, about a in game year has passed and i don't see any (I normally have around 5 floating around Gael).

    Also, the sentinel relays are bugged. I have 3 and they detect nothing, but that's not new. They have have detected nothing since I launched then, and that was 3 in game years ago and 3 kopernikus versions ago.


    Playing GPP, Ksp 1.9.1.

    log:  https://easyupload.io/sytdna

  7. 28 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

    Being honest, I don't know if they work together or not. Previously they didn't, because I was using Kopernicus, but since I'm not using Kopernicus anymore they might be compatible. There've been at least a half dozen people who have asked me this question too, and I always ask them to report back if it works or not but no one has been kind enough to post saying that it does or doesn't :( 

    I'll try it right now, but honestly i don't know what signs to look at to see if everything is as it shoudl be. At least i'll let you know if the game starts.

  8. I've been playing GPP for the last months, iand finaly i am able to expand to Niven. yaay. Anyway:


    Bug #1: I've benn searching for a niven stone (as required by a contract: return niven stone) for a while now. None of the stones i get near to can be picked up. I'm not sure about this bug as i've only been near 10 or so small rocks, but I'm gonna gues one of these had to be it.

    Bug #2: On 2 separate ocasions the game crashed violently on me when i was landed on Niven. (computer shutdown type of crash). I wouldn't read too much into is as the game was running for hours at that point, but still. Log:


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