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Everything posted by chaossands

  1. On a somewhat different note, is anybody here using kOS to control konstruction PAL parts? I've tried walking the various ModuleServo modules within one of the crane parts, and I can activate movement, but I don't see any way of reading the current location location of the various servos. Likewise, I don't see any way to set goal mode (which would be very convient) for the movement. Is there another way? If not, @RoverDude, how difficult would it be to expose the controls within kOS? (Maybe within the kOS addon interface?)
  2. Ok, so just tried with the object with the magno-pad as the targeted vessel as well, still nothing.
  3. Interesting, I'll have to fiddle with the grapple a bit. I'm not sure how the magnet on it is supposed to work. I've been working with the crane and magnet arm to exercise it, and I've gotten the general magnet functionality to work on them. As my testing has shown so far, the magnet when ON but target is OFF, it sucks in ANYTHING within range and roughly in front of the the magnet on the arm. Vessel targeting doesn't make a difference, in fact, I've even ripped of parts on the parent vessel with the magnet! As I understand it, for the crane and arm magnets, targeting is supposed to limit the magnet pull to Magno-Pads within range, but I have yet to get it to work. That's an interesting idea though, do you have to have the object with the magno-pad set as the target vessel as well?
  4. I did but it must have failed to refresh. After trying it again yesterday, it showed the new version correctly and installed flawlessly. :-)
  5. Looks like the version on CKAN is only up to v0.4.7, and only says it's compatible up to 1.4.4. Will there be an update for the CKAN version soon?
  6. I'm seeing the same behavior here. Fresh 1.4.5 install w/MH, only mods installed are Konstruction, AGM Cont'd, Alcubierrie Standalone, kOS, Editor Ex Redux (linuxgurugamer), Janitor's Closet, UbioZur Welding, all via CKAN and current. When I stick a magno-pad on an object and put out a crane or arm with a magnet, and set magnet ON w/force up to max and targeting ON, I get nothing. As soon as I shut off targeting it usually catapults the object, and often destroys the crane... Fun, :-) so the magnetism is working, but seems like targeting/pads aren't working. Do I need to do/install something else for the pads to work? Bug?
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