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  1. Hi, when I started KSP, I got this error message on my screen saying there's this "Show Stopper" problem. I'm really stupid and know nothing about computers or software, I just barely understand how to add mods. Started reading forums and I'm trying to grasp basic programming terms that people use to explain things. I did figure out that posting KSP.log file could be useful for people to identify problem. Wonder if you can help guide me on what to do, how to understand what's happening? I think this is what you call ksp.log file help?
  2. Your guess was right. Sounds and animation works just fine now. Thanks!
  3. So I downloaded the update for ksp 1.4.1, and when I start the game, I notice that my B9 aerospace engines make no sound and have no jet animation, though they still produce thrust. Only the stock engines have sounds and animation in the updated game. Any tips on how to fix this?
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