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Everything posted by Supercraft1998

  1. Hello ! I've make a Energia Buran and I use this to buid my space station. It has 2 jet engines like the first prototype of Buran and it can fly and it can fly in low altitude with. Some pics: Others pics: https://i.imgur.com/MSsy0xV.jpg https://i.imgur.com/CKHkRDW.jpg https://i.imgur.com/jeP1wYf.jpg https://i.imgur.com/JIftHfU.jpg
  2. I've founded my answer and the fix here : Sorry for this post.
  3. Hello everyone! With the 1.4.2 (.2110) version of KSP, there is a problem with 5 meters fairing, it's bigger than 5m . I tested with an other save, the bug is still here... Other person have this issues ? (and sorry if my post is not in the right section, I'm new in this forum)
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