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Everything posted by arrow01

  1. I have a problem with the mun. I launched a satellite in lunar orbit but after a while I realized it was gone. why?
  2. Is There a map of the delta v for kss? however, this mod is really enjoying me! KSS is Amazing!!
  3. The Sky dimming work but in the wrong moments bocause the distante object enhacments "think" that the all' is the sun
  4. how to make that the distant object enhacments sky dimming is supported? i have a problem whit sky dimming of distant object enhacments, the sky is dimmed only when i pass in front off the all and i think this caused by the replacement of the sun by the all any solutions?
  5. i have a problem whit sky dimming of distant object enhacments, i play whit a planet pack that modify the changes the solar sistem and the sun is replaced by an object called the all and kerbin whit sun now is in another location. i have sky dimming only when i pass in front off the all so i have in some moments the sky dimmed at nigni side of kerbin beouse i have the all (old sun location) bihind me any solutions?
  6. i play ksp whit kerbinside and using this mod the kerbin side launchpads "float" in air how to use the default kerbin?
  7. @Wilhelm Kerman thanks for your answer but i have the render quality to fantastic. here is a screenshot
  8. I have a problem White kerbin clouds. They are low resolution. Thanks in advance for any reply
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