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  1. Yup, beta3 patch 1. Probably doesn't matter but just in case, I also have the making history expansion.
  2. Here is the image of what I'm building with IR. Once I launch the top piston part sheers off and explodes the whole craft out of the KSP universe. The only mods I have installed is IR and TweakScale. Tried without TweakScale also, same problem. https://imgur.com/a/gvO1l
  3. Ok, so I tested out some things and here are my findings. *The below were the only parts I've tested* Working: Rails are good. Extendatron - Basic and Half Joint Pivotron - Basic and half Not Working: Rotatron - Basic Rotatron - Uncontrolled Joint Pivotron - Narrow angle I assume it would be the same/similar issue as the Rails were. Same explodey thingy happens. I can provide logs and crash.dmp if needed. Thanks.
  4. That's awesome, thanks. Nice and quick too. I'll test out my big contraption in a few hours and report back. Thanks man.
  5. I am having the same issue with the Gantry Rail in 1.4.2. I am also having things explode on load if there are multiple IR parts connected to each other. For instance, parts that one would make a robot arm with. Pistons, rotors,etc.
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