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Everything posted by BarryCarlyon

  1. Finally got around to adjusting it and building it. For some reason the IP passed to the Socket Spawner in IP: :: Seems something borked... (crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter) e_print: IP: :: (Filename: /Applications/buildAgent/work/b0bcff80449a48aa/Runtime/ExportGenerated/MacStandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43) (crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter) e_print: PORT: 54345 (Filename: /Applications/buildAgent/work/b0bcff80449a48aa/Runtime/ExportGenerated/MacStandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43) (crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter) e_print: Activate(): Invalid arguments (Filename: /Applications/buildAgent/work/b0bcff80449a48aa/Runtime/ExportGenerated/MacStandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43) I changed e_print ('PassedIP: ' + _ipAddress); System.Net.IPHostEntry remoteHost = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry (_ipAddress); e_print ('HOST: ' + remoteHost.AddressList[0]); And result is (crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter) e_print: PassedIP: (crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter) e_print: HOST: :: (crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter) e_print: RemoteIP: :: (crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter) e_print: Add(): :: (crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter) e_print: IP: :: (crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter) e_print: PORT: 54345 (crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter) e_print: Activate(): Invalid arguments Seems its trying to treat as a domain name. Have to go to day job now so will poke about some more when I get back. I doubt it would be borking because of my three entries in my /etc/hosts tho.... right to work before I\'m late.
  2. I tried the local IP of the network card. No joy there. ALT F2 spits out the same as the unity log. I\'ve even tried both with the wifi on and off. Currently the machine in question is completely isolated from the network. I might download monodevelop and adjust the line to see what is being passed to it rather than just throwing 'invalid arguments'
  3. Sorry I mistyped. I am using latest. I updated my post as you responded. I have tried ncat and udpreciever before starting KSP. No joy I now have found unity/KSP logs: (crxTelemetryLib.Transmitter) e_print: Activate(): Invalid Arguments. I\'ve tried localhost. No joy same log entry
  4. I\'ve used the 2-X Sounding Rocket. telemetry.data is blank. Resetting to lastest now. I have no firewall currently enabled Update: http://www.evernote.com/shard/s45/sh/4fb139ea-d00b-4f1c-8503-e496c497703c/00ba75751f43c5b01356ee981a4b1ad0 Update: the icon is red upon activation..... if that helps Update: Having read the source. It seems my 'transmissionquality' is less that 3. So its offline? Keh? Update: I found unitys log. e_print: Activate(): Invalid Arguments.
  5. I\'m using the latest build and default options with the part. Got everything in the right folders and things. Run mono with UDPReceiver But it\'s stopped at waiting for client. It doesn\'t appear to want to transmit data over IP. I\'m running KSP 14.4 and the lastest files downloaded from post 1. On MacOSX (lion) Any thoughts? Update: tested with ncat nothing transmitted/recieved Update 2: Tested with the outdated version. Still no joy :-(
  6. http://www.emperror.com/uploads/map0.png
  7. Just thought you\'d like to kno
  8. There has been talk of it drawing ideas from Elite and Firefly....
  9. BarryCarlyon


    The only number is 42
  10. A kerbin scientist theorized that fires kerbanauts into kerbol decreases the temperature?....
  11. LOL :-D Next is someone who posts a upside down photo of the gantry
  12. As Matt Smith knows there can be only FishFingers and Custard Next to post is someone posting their Favourite Doctor from the Classic Series
  13. Whats a light bulb? On Kerbal we use Kixtures to cast Light. And a Kixture is ever lasting.....
  14. Will do. At one point Demios was overloading SAS. But will Fly number 2 and report back there
  15. I\'ve built a similar craft to this, but anything more that four spindles it struggles to get into stable orbit. And with more fuel it struggles more. But I only have the outer engines nothing inner. I\'ve tried a 6 and a 8 to similar results. But it gives enough time in orbit to play with the 'shuttle' on the front. I use something like. I\'m not really aiming for Orbit as a Space Station, but as a Delivery Platform
  16. I like this craft. It flew well and I got it in to orbit well enough
  17. +1 Gave it a whirl. Gets very very squirly at one point and I failed to reach orbit. :-(
  18. I\'ve just stuck all mine here: http://barrycarlyon.co.uk/wordpress/kspgallery/. Since I\'m on a Mac I just rsync mine up and the Gallery Driver makes up the thumbnails on request :-P
  19. Get someone to print you one? The general idea with some 3D printers is you print one for your mate. (Just add electronics) I forget the project name off hand.
  20. Notch tweeted About being given a run thru follow the links gave the demo whirl and hooked
  21. I\'m someone! Next is someone who posts bacon ipsum only
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