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Everything posted by Hache

  1. eh... I wanted to find out how to clear CKAN cache, and I have checked on Setting/Compatible KSP Version , I have clicked on 1.3... Then I had could install BTWcontinued !! Thanks ! Finally I can play again ! (going to Jool...)
  2. I did it, again and again, after uninstalling and reinstalling KSP... I already tried this morning with KSP 1.4.3... same results : https://app.box.com/s/cdoz6a9x64e8jnl3n1u6t6qcvtimg6zj With CKAN, no matter how I install the app (by your link, spacedock...), it always recognizes the version 2.2 of Better time Warp... (never your work : 2.3.10) https://app.box.com/s/gzed77cyjn7d703xuztda4hnzjw1kdp2 I'm frustrated because I think that your app is unavoidable and necessary !!!!
  3. Thanks for your answer. I already downloaded this files. The "B" button appears, but when I click on it, nothing is happening... And after installing, I check on CKAN, and it's written "Max KSP Version 1.0.5"
  4. Hello, Since ksp 1.4.2 , I can't make run BTW... I tried to install from https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/BetterTimeWarpContinued (only Game Data files, several other tests with other files...), but CKAN and KSP doesn't recognize it. BTW is an essential mod for me, and I don't understand why KSP has not already integrate this mod ... Thanks for your help ! Hache
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